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Displaying 1 - 40 out of 315 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynA. Alvarado 95
06 Jan 1989
Ecuador. Napo. Hollin-Loreto rd., km 31, Comuna Challua Yacu.
Anthopterus revolutus (Wilbur & Luteyn) LuteynA. Alvarado 95
06 Jan 1989 - 07 Jan 1989
Ecuador. Napo. Archidona (Canton). Southern outskirts of Volcán Sumaco. Hollí-Loreto road, km 31. Challua Yacu community.215360802153608.jpg
Anthopterus pterotus (A.C.Sm.) LuteynA. E. Brant 1757 with Julio Betancur; and Ana Victoria Ayala,
07 Nov 1987
Colombia. Antioquia. Municipality of Granada; Granada-San Carlos road; 8.2 km E of Granada, 13.8 km W of San Carlos; disturbed forest just S of road.0215358102153581.jpg
Anthopterus revolutus (Wilbur & Luteyn) LuteynA. Freire Fierro 2230 with K. Romoleroux; and P. Delprete,
Ecuador. Pastaza. Carretero Puyo-Macas, km 22 desvío a Canelos. Colecciones en km 3-10 del desvío.215359302153593.jpg
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynA. Freire Fierro 2230 with et al.,
28 Jun 1992
Ecuador. Pastaza. Puyo-Macas road, km 22 towards Canelos, km 3-10.
Anthopterus revolutus (Wilbur & Luteyn) LuteynA. Freire Fierro 3053 with and J. Vargas,
28 Nov 1999
Ecuador. Pastaza. Puyo, Parroquia Pomona, Proyecto Indichurris, cerca a Puyopungo. Colecciones en áreas secundarias y bosque maduro.215362202153622.jpg
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.A. H. G. Alston 8462
07 May 1939
Colombia. Nariño. Bet. páramo and Barbacoas.
Anthopterus wardii BallA. H. Gentry 17655 with and Mary Fallen,
14 Aug 1976
Colombia. Chocó. Río San Juan just above Istmina.215366802153668.jpg
Anthopterus gentryi LuteynA. H. Gentry 30855 with C. Bonifaz & J. Loor C.,
27 Jan 1981
Ecuador. Morona Santiago. 9-10 km SE of San Juan Bosco.isotype10416v-261-00010416.jpg
Anthopterus gentryi LuteynA. H. Gentry 30855 with C. Bonifaz & J. Loor C.,
27 Jan 1981
Ecuador. Morona Santiago. 9-10 km SE of San Juan Bosco.isotype10417v-261-00010417.jpg
Anthopterus gentryi LuteynA. H. Gentry 30855 with et al.,
27 Jan 1981
Ecuador. Morona Santiago. 9-10 km SE of San Juan Bosco.
Anthopterus gentryi LuteynA. H. Gentry 30855 with et al.,
27 Jan 1981
Ecuador. Morona Santiago. 9-10 km SE of San Juan Bosco.
Anthopterus wardii BallA. H. Gentry 47827
10 Jul 1984
Colombia. Valle del Cauca. Bajo Calima, pluvial forest, road to Juanchaco Palmeras.215369302153693.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallA. H. Gentry 55206 with O. de Benavides; G. Csatillo; and Bernardo Ramirez,
26 Jul 1986
Colombia. Nariño. 2-8 km E of Junín on Tumaco-Tuquirres road. Disturbed roadside cloud forest.215366502153665.jpg
Anthopterus oliganthusA. H. Gentry 55315 with O. de Benavides, G. Catillo, Bernardo Ramirez,
26 Jul 1986
Colombia. Nariño. Junin-Barbacoas road, 2-10 km N of Junin.0215357702153577.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallA. H. Gentry 59559 with P. Keating; M. Monsalve; and M.D. Heredia,
18 Dec 1987
Colombia. Valle del Cauca. Bajo Calima, Carretera Hans, Km 22 of Buenaventura on road to San Isidro.215368802153688.jpg
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.A. H. Gentry 70099 with et al.,
12 May 1991
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Lita-San Lorenzo road, 10-20 km NW of Lita.
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.A. H. Gentry 70099 with C. Dodson; B. Boyle; and D. Rubio,
12 May 1991
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Lita-San Lorenzo road, 10-20 km NW of Lita.215356902153569.jpg
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.A. H. Gentry 70105 with et al.,
12 May 1991
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Lita-San Lorenzo road, 10-20 km NW of Lita.
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.A. H. Gentry 70105 with C. Dodson; B. Boyle; and D. Rubio,
12 May 1991
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Lita-San Lorenzo road, 10-20 km NW of Lita.215357002153570.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallA. H. Gentry 8995 with and G. Shupp,
08 Oct 1979
Ecuador. El Oro. 10 km W of Pinas in patch of woods dominated by Gonzalgunia.215368502153685.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallA. S. Barfod 41654
03 Mar 1983
Ecuador. Carchi. San Marcos, along trail leading to Río San Juan.0251439802514398.jpg
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynA. Schultze-Rhonhof 3081
14 Dec 1938
Ecuador. Pastaza. Along Río Pastaza, Mera.
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynB. M. Boom 7810 with et al.,
26 Dec 1987
Ecuador. Pastaza. Puyo-Macas rd., ca 30 km SE Puyo.
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynB. Øllgaard 35528 with et al.,
30 Jul 1980
Ecuador. Pastaza. 5 km E of Mera on rd. to Shell Mera.
Anthopterus revolutus (Wilbur & Luteyn) LuteynB. Øllgaard 35528
30 Jul 1980
Ecuador. Pastaza. ca 5 km E of Mera, on road to Shell Mera. Rocky escarpment, road bank and riverside vegetation.215361402153614.jpg
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.B. Øllgaard 98071
24 Jul 1990
Ecuador. Pichincha. Ca km 36 along road to SE of La Aurora (km 7 Sto. Domingo-Quevedo rd.), pasing through La Reforma.
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.B. Øllgaard 98750 with et al.,
13 Jan 1991
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Lita-Alto Tambo road, km 18.
Anthopterus oliganthusB. R. Ramírez Padilla 8.157 with M.S. González; and A. Muñoz,
19 Aug 1995
Colombia. Nariño. Barbacoas Mun. Resguardo de El Sábalo, quebrada Corozal.0215357802153578.jpg
Anthopterus revolutus (Wilbur & Luteyn) LuteynB. Wallnöfer 144-221287
22 Dec 1987
Peru. Huánuco. Pachitea Prov. Region of Pucallpa, W part of the "Sira Mountains" and adjacent lowland; ca 24 km SE to ca 26 km ESE of Puerto Inca, from the beginning of the mountain rain forest next to the "Campamento Pato Rojo" along the mountain crest to the beginning of the elfin forest after the "Campamento Peligroso".215363502153635.jpg
Anthopterus revolutus (Wilbur & Luteyn) LuteynB. Wallnöfer 16-14488
14 Apr 1988
Peru. Huánuco. Pachitea Prov. Region of Pucallpa, W part of the "Sira Mountains" and adjacent lowland; ca 24 km SE to ca 26 km ESE of Puerto Inca, from the beginning of the mountain rain forest next to the "Campamento Pato Rojo" along the mountain crest to the beginning of the elfin forest after the "Campamento Peligroso".215363602153636.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallC. Aulestia 1118 with and A. Grijalva,
18 Feb 1993
Ecuador. Carchi. Tulcán (Canton). Reserva Etnica Awá. Parroquia Chical. Centro Gualpi Medio.215369902153699.jpg
Anthopterus cuneatus A.C.Sm.C. Aulestia 1144 with A. Grijalva,
18 Feb 1993
Ecuador. Carchi. Reserva Indigena Awa, Parroquia Chical, Centro Gualpi Medio.
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynC. E. Cerón Martínez 2952
11 Dec 1987
Ecuador. Napo. Hollin-Loreto-Coca road, betweenRio Pucuno and Rio Guamaní.
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynC. H. Dodson 15034 with et al.,
05 Aug 1984
Ecuador. Napo. Hollin-Coca road, km 2.
AnthopterusC. Morales 1610 with A. Wisum and C. Kajekai,
19 Dec 2005
Ecuador. Morona Santiago. Limón Indanza (Canton). Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Yunkumas, Asociación Nunkui. Cerro Chuank Naint. Bosque muy humedo premontano.0187485801874858.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallC. Quelal 598 with Galo Tipaz; and J. Taicúz,
21 May 1992
Ecuador. Carchi. Tulcán (Canton). Reserva Etnica Awá. Comunidad de Gualpi Medio.215370002153700.jpg
Anthopterus wardii BallC. Quelal 643 with Galo Tipaz; and J. Taicúz,
21 May 1992
Ecuador. Carchi. Tulcán (Canton). Awá Ethnic Reserve. Gualpi Medio community.215364802153648.jpg
Anthopterus schultzeae (Sleumer) LuteynC. S. Sparre 17550
16 Jul 1967
Ecuador. Pastaza. Shell Mera.
Anthopterus molaui (Luteyn) LuteynCollector unknown 606 with Elena Grijalva,
08 Feb 1992
Ecuador. Pichincha. Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Rio Guajalito", km 59 of the old highway Quito-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, at 3.5 km NE of the highway, western foothills of Volcán Pichincha.0215357602153576.jpg