Taxon Details: Thibaudia foreroi Luteyn
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Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Thibaudia foreroi Luteyn
Primary Citation:

Opera Bot. 92: 127. 1986
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.
Type Specimens:

Specimen 1: Isotype -- E. Forero
Specimen 2: Isotype -- E. Forero

Description: Climbing shrub ("bejuco pendulo"); stems sharply angled, winged (the wings 1-2 mm broad), striate, glabrate, reddish-brown when dry. Leaves coriaceous, oblanceolate or elliptic, 8.5-13.5 x 3-5 cm, basally tapering and broadly cuneate to obtuse, apically obtuse to rounded, glabrous above and short-pilose beneath; 5(-7)-plinerved or nearly pinnate, the midrib conspicuously thickened and raised in the proximal 1/3 to 1/2 and distally impressed above and raised beneath, lateral nerves impressed above and raised beneath, veinlets plane or slightly raised but obscure on both surfaces; petioles angled, rugose, 5-12 mm long, glabrous. Inflorescence axillary, solitary, racemose, 4-6-flowered, the rachises, pedicels, bracts, calyces, and corollas shortly white-pilose throughout; rachis bluntly angled, 18-22 mm long; floral bracts and bracteoles ovate, acuminate, ca. 3 mm long; pedicels terete, swollen distally, 18-22 mm long. Flowers with calyx 10-11 mm long; hypanthium ± cylindric, basally truncate, 3-5 mm long; limb campanulate, ca. 6-7 mm long including the lobes; lobes triangular, acute, ca. 2 mm long; corolla cylindric, carnose, red at anthesis, ca. 26 mm long, the lobes triangular, acute, ca. 2 mm long; stamens 10, equal, ca. 20 mm long; filaments distinct, glabrous, ca. 4 mm long; anthers ca. 19 mm long including the tubules; thecae 10-11 mm long. Fruit not seen.

Distribution: Endemic to Colombia and known only from the type collection.

Type: Colombia. Caldas: Manizales-Fresno road, 18 km from Manizales, 2480 m, 1 Mar 1977 (fl), E. Forero et al. 3605 (holotype, COL; isotypes, MO, NY1, NY2).

Conservation status: Rare and endangered.

Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Thibaudia foreroi Luteyn: [Article] 1986. Opera Bot. 92: 127.