Monographs Details:

Luteyn, James L. 1976. A revision of the Mexican Central American species of Cavendishia (Vacciniaceae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 28 (3): 1-138.


Cavendishia splachnoides is known only from the type locality in southern Darien. Only the type collection {Pittier 5647) and another collection from the same locality (Pittier 5659) are extant. These two collections, however, are in such poor condition that it is impossible to include the proposed taxon in this study. The relationships of the taxon would seem to be aligned with the species of Cavendishia including C. callista, C. lindauiana, C. hispida, and C. praestans. As was mentioned in the description of C callista, this is a group of lowland taxa (the last three of which are from Colombia) which is in need of detailed field analysis, especially with respect to those populations in eastern panama and Colombia. A. C. Smith has identified several Colombian collections as C. splachnoides (see Smith, 1940 and 1950); however, after seeing the same collections, I feel that the Colombian material represents an undescribed taxon.

(Type: Panama: Province of Darien. Cerro de Garagara, Fitter 5647, US! photo of type DUKE!).