Monographs Details:

1944. J. Arnold Arbor. 24: 470.


Species Description - Terrestrial or somewhat scandent epiphytic shrub with pendulous branches; stem subterete, densely brownish-hispid when young, glabrate. Leaves coriaceous, sometimes concave, ovate, 1.7-2.8 x 0.8-1.4 cm, base obtuse or rounded, apex acuminate and subulate with a 3-7 mm long mucro, margin narrowly to moderately revolute, hispidulous all over when young, glabrate; inconspicuously 3-5-plinerved, midrib impressed above and raised beneath, lateral nerves obscure, slightly impressed or raised beneath, reticulate veinlets impressed; petiole subterete, 1-3 mm long, hispidulous, glabrate. Inflorescence axillary, short-racemose, 4-7-flowered (rarely reduced to 1), surrounded at the base by a series of oblong, acute, ca. 2 mm long bracts; rachis 3-5 mm long, hispidulous; floral bract narrowly oblong, ca. 1.5 mm long, apically hispidulous; pedicel 6-13 mm long, hispidulous; bracteoles medial, less than 1.5 mm long, marginally hispidulous. Flowers with calyx 5-6 mm long, ± densely hispidulous with hairs to 1 mm long, also glandular-fimbriate; hypanthium obconic, slightly 5-angled, 3.5-4.5 mm long; limb erect-spreading, ca. 1.5 mm; lobes apiculate, 0.3-0.7 mm long; sinuses flat; corolla carnose, terete, 9-10 mm long and 4-5 mm diam., red, glabrous but with lobes hispidulous, the lobes deltate, ca. 1 mm long; stamen slightly shorter than corolla; filaments glabrous, alternately ca. 3 mm and ca. 4 mm long; anthers 5-5.5 mm long; thecae 1.5-2 mm long; tubules two times the thecae, dehiscing through clefts 0.7-1 mm long; nectariferous disc pulvinate, minutely or conspicuously hispidulous with hairs to 0.5 mm long; style equalling the corolla. Berry not seen.

Distribution and Ecology - Colombia and Ecuador; montane wet forest, elfin forest, subpáramo, and Espeletia páramo, at 1830-3800 m altitude.


Uses: Ecuador: "pollinated by a small greenish, shining hummingbird" (Holm-Nielsen 41715).