Monographs Details:
Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290. (Published by NYBG Press)
Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290. (Published by NYBG Press)
Species Description - Terrestrial or epiphytic shrub with branches to 2 m tall; mature stems terete, minutely striate, glabrous, tan; twigs subterete, complanate, minutely striate, cinereous. Leaves subcoriaceous, elliptic, oblong-elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 6-16 X 2.5-6 cm, basally rounded, apically abruptly caudate-acuminate (acumen to 3 cm long and averaging 0.8 mm broad), glandular-fimbriate and short-pilose (especially along nerves) on both surfaces; 5-7(-9)-plinerved from base, midrib and lateral nerves slightly impressed above and conspicuously raised beneath, reticulate veinlets inconspicuous but raised on both surfaces; petioles terete, rugose, short-pilose or hispid, 5-8 mm long and 1-2.5 mm in diam. Inflorescence 15-flowered, the flowers restricted to distal 1/5 of inflorescence; rachis subterete, 5-7 cm long and 1.5 mm in basal diam. becoming 3 mm in diam. distally, densely short-pilose with white hairs 0.2-0.3 mm long; floral bracts: those of proximal 3/5 of inflorescence caducous causing it to appear pedunculate, those of next distal 1/5 usually reflexed at anthesis subtending sterile nodes, subcoriaceous, striate, oblong to ovate-lanceolate, 20-40 x 5-14 mm, apically acute, densely short-pilose on both surfaces, deep scarlet when fresh, the distal (1/5) bracts subtending flowers, appressed, membranaceous, striate, oblong, 25-35 X 7-13 mm, apically rounded and usually emarginate, densely short-pilose on both surfaces, when fresh grass-green becoming pink at base and red distally; pedicels densely short-pilose, ca. 0.5 mm long; bracteoles lacking. Flowers: calyx densely short-pilose, ca. 9-9.5 mm long; hypanthium cylindric to obconic, 2.5-3 mm long, basally truncate and with a fringe of glandular fimbriae; limb cylindric or slightly spreading, weakly striate, 6-6.5 mm long; lobes triangular, acute, 2.5 mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate, cream-colored when fresh; sinus rounded; corolla cylindric, 30-35 mm long and 6-7 mm in diam., short-pilose in distal 3/4, nearly glabrous in proximal ¼, inconspicuously glandular-fimbriate, lobes triangular, ca. 1 mm long; stamens alternately ca. 13.8 mm and 15.6 mm long; filaments distinct (lightly coherent prior to anthesis), alternately ca. 3 mm and 5.6 mm long, glabrous; anthers alternately ca. 11.5 mm and 10.4 mm long; thecae slightly granular, 4 mm long; tubules dehiscing by clefts 2.5 mm long; style 30-36 mm long. Berry not seen.
Species Description - Terrestrial or epiphytic shrub with branches to 2 m tall; mature stems terete, minutely striate, glabrous, tan; twigs subterete, complanate, minutely striate, cinereous. Leaves subcoriaceous, elliptic, oblong-elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 6-16 X 2.5-6 cm, basally rounded, apically abruptly caudate-acuminate (acumen to 3 cm long and averaging 0.8 mm broad), glandular-fimbriate and short-pilose (especially along nerves) on both surfaces; 5-7(-9)-plinerved from base, midrib and lateral nerves slightly impressed above and conspicuously raised beneath, reticulate veinlets inconspicuous but raised on both surfaces; petioles terete, rugose, short-pilose or hispid, 5-8 mm long and 1-2.5 mm in diam. Inflorescence 15-flowered, the flowers restricted to distal 1/5 of inflorescence; rachis subterete, 5-7 cm long and 1.5 mm in basal diam. becoming 3 mm in diam. distally, densely short-pilose with white hairs 0.2-0.3 mm long; floral bracts: those of proximal 3/5 of inflorescence caducous causing it to appear pedunculate, those of next distal 1/5 usually reflexed at anthesis subtending sterile nodes, subcoriaceous, striate, oblong to ovate-lanceolate, 20-40 x 5-14 mm, apically acute, densely short-pilose on both surfaces, deep scarlet when fresh, the distal (1/5) bracts subtending flowers, appressed, membranaceous, striate, oblong, 25-35 X 7-13 mm, apically rounded and usually emarginate, densely short-pilose on both surfaces, when fresh grass-green becoming pink at base and red distally; pedicels densely short-pilose, ca. 0.5 mm long; bracteoles lacking. Flowers: calyx densely short-pilose, ca. 9-9.5 mm long; hypanthium cylindric to obconic, 2.5-3 mm long, basally truncate and with a fringe of glandular fimbriae; limb cylindric or slightly spreading, weakly striate, 6-6.5 mm long; lobes triangular, acute, 2.5 mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate, cream-colored when fresh; sinus rounded; corolla cylindric, 30-35 mm long and 6-7 mm in diam., short-pilose in distal 3/4, nearly glabrous in proximal ¼, inconspicuously glandular-fimbriate, lobes triangular, ca. 1 mm long; stamens alternately ca. 13.8 mm and 15.6 mm long; filaments distinct (lightly coherent prior to anthesis), alternately ca. 3 mm and 5.6 mm long, glabrous; anthers alternately ca. 11.5 mm and 10.4 mm long; thecae slightly granular, 4 mm long; tubules dehiscing by clefts 2.5 mm long; style 30-36 mm long. Berry not seen.
Cavendishia mariae is a very showy species with deep scarlet inflorescence bracts and white corollas with green tips. The posture of the inflorescence bracts adds to this attractiveness. The proximal bracts are early deciduous thereby exposing the lower 3/5 of the rachis, the next few succeeding ones become wide-spreading or reflexed at anthesis, and the distal-most floral bracts are tightly appressed to the flowers.Cavendishia mariae is most closely related to pseudopedunculata and C. pilobracteata. These are similar in habit and overall appearance, in the subcoriaceous conspicuously striate bracts of which the lower (sterile) ones dry a characteristic dark wine-red color in contrast to the upper (fertile) ones which dry stramineous, and in the corolla colors. The major differences between them are summarized in Table III.
Cavendishia mariae is a very showy species with deep scarlet inflorescence bracts and white corollas with green tips. The posture of the inflorescence bracts adds to this attractiveness. The proximal bracts are early deciduous thereby exposing the lower 3/5 of the rachis, the next few succeeding ones become wide-spreading or reflexed at anthesis, and the distal-most floral bracts are tightly appressed to the flowers.Cavendishia mariae is most closely related to pseudopedunculata and C. pilobracteata. These are similar in habit and overall appearance, in the subcoriaceous conspicuously striate bracts of which the lower (sterile) ones dry a characteristic dark wine-red color in contrast to the upper (fertile) ones which dry stramineous, and in the corolla colors. The major differences between them are summarized in Table III.
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