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Displaying 1 - 22 out of 22 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynG. W. Harling 10369 with et al.,
15 Jun 1968 - 16 Jun 1968
Ecuador. Napo. Papallacta.0215111602151116.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynW. H. Camp E75
02 Jul 1944
Ecuador. Loja. crest of the Cordillera de Zamora, E of Loja.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynW. H. Camp E96
02 Jul 1944
Ecuador. Loja. crest of the Cordillera de Zamora, E of Loja.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynW. H. Camp E4810
18 Aug 1945
Ecuador. Azuay. Páramo del Castillo, crest of the eastern cordillera on trail Sevilla de Oro-Méndez.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynW. H. Camp E1696
10 May 1944
Ecuador. Napo/Pastaza border. Sierra de Leones, near Baños, valley of Río PAstaza and adjacent uplands.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 15332 with Hugo Mogollón,
07 Nov 1998
Ecuador. Carchi. Cantón Huaca, Estación Biológica Guandera, Fralejón Trail.29880300298803.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 8434 with et al.,
17 May 1982
Ecuador. Sucumbíos. Santa Barbara-La Bonita rd., 5 km E of Santa Barbara.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 14481 with K. Romoleraux,
19 Apr 1992
Ecuador. Loja. Vilcabamba-Valladolid rd., 15.6-19.6 km S of Yangana.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 6803 with M. L. Lebrón-Luteyn,
20 Feb 1979
Colombia. Putumayo. Pasto-Sibundoy road, 40-43 km E of Pasto.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 15207 with Roy Fuller & Julio Betancur,
09 Oct 1997
Colombia. Nariño. Pasto-Sibundoy road, ca. 10 km E of El Encano.22741500227415.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 7539 with M. Lebrón-Luteyn & G. Morales,
29 Apr 1979
Colombia. Huila. Km 28-32 along road Pitalito-Mocoa near divide.
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 6573 with et al.,
31 Dec 1978
Ecuador. Loja/Zamora-Chinchipe border. Rd. between Loja and Zamora ca. km 9. Ecotone between cloud forest & páramo.0215110302151103.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 14158 with et al.,
14 Nov 1990
Ecuador. Loja. Road to Cerro Toledo, 8-10 km E of Yangana.0215110602151106.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 15073 with Roy Fuller & Mauricio Guerrón,
03 May 1997
Ecuador. Loja. Fierro Urco road, ca. 3-5 km W of the main Loja-Saraguro highway.16990700169907.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 14048 with et al.,
06 Nov 1990
Ecuador. Sucumbíos. Outwash area just E of Laguna San Marcos.0215109802151098.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 14683 with D. S. Sylva,
15 Oct 1992
Ecuador. Napo. Cordillera de Huacamayos, 4.3-16.5 km S of Cosanga, on Baza-Puyo rd.0215110502151105.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 8461 with et al.,
18 May 1982
Ecuador. Carchi. El Carmelo-Tulcan rd., ca 9 km NW of El Carmelo.0215110402151104.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 6899 with M. Lebrón-Luteyn,
04 Mar 1979
Colombia. Cauca. Parque Nac. Puracé; between km 151-153 road from Puracé to La Plata.0215103702151037.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynB. Øllgaard 38806 with L. Holm-Nielsen,
18 May 1982
Ecuador. Napo. Llanganati, steep slope along Río Topo, SE of Aucacocha.0215109202151092.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynB. Øllgaard 38649 with et al.,
15 May 1982
Ecuador. Napo. Llanganati, N facing slope to Río Golpe, N of Chosa Aucacocha.0215110002151100.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynB. Øllgaard 74130 with et al.,
14 May 1988
Ecuador. Loja. Parque Nacional Podocarpus, vic. of Centro de Información.0215110102151101.jpg
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) LuteynJ. L. Luteyn 6666 with et al.,
02 Jan 1979
Ecuador. Loja. Páramo de Saraguro, 10 km S of Saraguro.