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Displaying 1 - 60 out of 88 Object(s)
Author Year Title Book/Journal
Luteyn, James L. /11/1975 The genus Cavendishia (Vacciniaceae) in Costa Rica  View Details Brenesia
Luteyn, James L. 07/04/1976 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). I. Gonocalyx--a genus new to Central America  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 07/04/1976 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). II. New species of Cavendishia from Panama  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 14/10/1976 Revision of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in eastern North America  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 28/10/1976 A revision of the Mexican Central American species of Cavendishia (Vacciniaceae)  View Details Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Luteyn, James L. /01/1977 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). III. New and noteworthy species from Mexico  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. /06/1977 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). IV. A review of the genus Oreanthes  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. /06/1977 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). V. Five new species from South America  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L., Wilbur, Robert L. /08/1977 New genera and species of Ericaceae (Vaccinieae) from Costa Rica and Panama  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. /12/1978 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). VI. New species from the Cordillera Vilcabamba and adjacent eastern Peru  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 30/03/1979 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae) VII. Novelties from Ecuador  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L., Harborne, Jeffrey B., Williams, Christine A. /03/1980 A survey of the flavoiioids and simple phenols in leaves of Cavendishia (Ericaceae)  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Steyermark, Julian A., Luteyn, James L. /06/1980 Revision of the genus Ochthocosmus (Linaceae)  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. /06/1980 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). VIII. New species of Cavendishia from northwestern South America  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. /10/1981 Notes on neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae). IX. Seven new Andean blueberries  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Wilbur, Robert L., Luteyn, James L. 1981 Additions to the Ericaceae of Panama  View Details Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Rogerson, Clark T., Luteyn, James L., Mori, S. A. 1982 The preparation of manuscript for Flora Neotropica: Adherence to the guidelines.  View Details Taxon
Luteyn, James L. 22/04/1983 Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia  View Details Flora Neotropica Monograph
Luteyn, James L., Lebron-Luteyn, María L. /12/1983 Contribuciones a las Eric ceas venezolanas  View Details Acta Botanica Venezuelica. Caracas
Luteyn, James L. 31/07/1984 Revision of Semiramisia (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae)  View Details Systematic Botany
Luteyn, James L. 07/06/1985 A remarkable new Macleania (Ericaceae) from Colombia  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Steyermark, Julian A., Luteyn, James L. /08/1985 Connellia smithiana, a new Connellia from the Guayana Highland  View Details Journal of the Bromeliad Society
Luteyn, James L. /12/1985 Clave para los géneros de las Ericaceas en el Ecuador  View Details Revista del Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales
Luteyn, James L. 1985 Species of Ericaceae new to Venezuela  View Details Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
Luteyn, James L. 17/06/1986 A new Vaccinium (Ericaceae) from Guayanan Brazil  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 23/07/1986 A new Burmeistera (Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae) from western Colombia  View Details Systematic Botany
Luteyn, James L. /10/1986 New species of Ceratostema (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) from the northern Andes  View Details Journal of the Arnold Arboretum
Luteyn, James L., Lebron-Luteyn, María L. /12/1986 El g‚nero Semiramisia (Ericaceae) en el Ecuador  View Details Revista del Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales
Luteyn, James L. 1987 New species and notes on neotropical Ericaceae  View Details Opera botanica a Societate Botanice Lundensi
Luteyn, James L. 1987 Orthaea (Ericaceae-Vaccinieae): new species and redefinition of the genus  View Details Nordic Journal of Botany
Balslev, Henrik, Luteyn, James L., Øllgaard, Benjamin, Holm-Nielsen, Lauritz B. 1987 Composition and structure of adjacent unflooded and floodplain forest in Amazonian Ecuador  View Details Opera botanica a Societate Botanice Lundensi
Luteyn, James L., Sylva S., D. S. 1988 Una notable especie nueva de Diogenesia (Ericaceae) de Antioquia, Colombia.  View Details Actualidades Biologicas. Medellin
Luteyn, James L., Sylva, Dylia S. 1988 Una notable especie nueva de Diogenesia (Ericaceae) de Antioquia, Colombia.  View Details Actualidades Biologicas. Medellin
Luteyn, James L. 1989 Three new species of Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae) from Brazil  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1989 New variety and nomenclatural changes in neotropical Gaultheria (Ericaceae)  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1989 New variety and nomenclatural changes in neotropical Gaultheria (Ericaceae).  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1990 The Plumbaginaceae in the flora of the southeastern United States  View Details Sida; Contributions to Botany
Luteyn, James L. 1990 Gaultheria steyermarkii (Ericaceae): A new endemic to Cerro Turimiquire, Venezuela  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1991 Key to the subfamilies and genera of neotropical Ericaceae  View Details Nordic Journal of Botany
Luteyn, James L. 1991 The genus Gaultheria in Brazil  View Details Boletim do Museu Paraense "Emílio Goeldi.", Ciências Naturais
Luteyn, James L. 1991 Two new species of Cavendishia (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) from Antioquia, Colombia  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1991 A synopsis of the genus Didonica (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) with two new species  View Details Systematic Botany
Luteyn, James L. 1992 A new Ceratostema (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) from northern Peru  View Details Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
Jorgensen, P. M., Ulloa, C. U., Pedersen, H. B., Luteyn, J. L. 1992 The Quito herbarium (QCA): 100, 000 important collections from Ecuador  View Details Taxon
Luteyn, James L. 1992 New and interesting Ericaceae (Vaccinieae) from Ecuador  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1992 Plutarchia ecuadorensis (Ericaceae, Vaccinieae) : A new species and a new generic record for Ecuador  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L., Clemants, Steven E., Diggs, George M., Dorr, Laurence J., Judd, Walter S., Sørensen, Paul D., Stevens, P. F., Wallace, Gary D. 30/06/1995 Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.)  View Details Flora Neotropica Monograph
Luteyn, James L. 1996 Ericaceae.  View Details Flora of Ecuador
Luteyn, James L. 1996 Ericaceae.  View Details Flora of Ecuador
Luteyn, James L. 1996 Fitodiversidad y conservación del páramo.  View Details Arnaldoa
Luteyn, James L., Judd, Walter S., Vander Kloet, S. P., Dorr, Laurence J., Wallace, Gary D., Kron, Kathleen A., Stevens, Peter F., Clemants, Steven E. 1996 Ericaceae of the southeastern United States.  View Details Castanea; the journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club
Luteyn, James L. 1996   View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1996 New species, new records, and neotypification of some Mesoamerican Ericaceae.  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1996 Redefinition of the neotropical genus Anthopterus (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae), including one new species.  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L., Morales Q., J. Francisco 1996 Four new species of Cavendishia (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) from Costa Rica.  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Luteyn, James L. 1997 A review of and taxonomic realignments within the neotropical genus Macleania (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae).  View Details BioLlania
Luteyn, James L. 1999 Páramos: A checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution, and botanical literature.  View Details BioLlania
Luteyn, James L. 1999 Checklist of páramo plants: Vascular plants. In: J. L. Luteyn, Páramos: A checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution, and botanical literature.  View Details Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Luteyn, James L. 1999 Páramos: A checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution, and botanical literature.  View Details Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Luteyn, James L., Sylva S, D. S. 1999 "Murrí" (Antioquia Department, Colombia): Hotspot for neotropical blueberries (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae).  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany