Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.


Species Description - Rhizomes short-creeping, horizontal, compact, 2–3 mm diam., obscured by old frond bases and appearing ca. 1 cm diam.; rhizome scales linear-lanceolate with long, hair-like apices, lustrous dark brown, mostly 2–3 mm long; fronds clumped, to 25 x 0.5–0.8 cm; phyllopodia indistinct or absent; stipes 1/8–1/3 of the frond length, clothed with linear-lanceolate, entire, spreading, dark-tipped scales (similar to those of rhizomes) and much reduced stellate or hastate, appressed, resin-based scales (similar to those of the adaxial blade surfaces); blades linear-elliptic, acuminate at both ends; papyraceous; veins obscure, free, simple or once-forked, ca. 1 mm apart, at ca. 60º angle to costa; hydathodes absent; adaxial blade surfaces with abundant but not overlapping lanceolate, hastate, or stellate scales with resinous bases; abaxial surfaces densely scaly with overlapping ciliolate scales, costae with sparse scales similar to those of rhizomes (linear-lanceolate, entire, dark-tipped); fertile fronds about same length as the sterile but much longer-stiped (1/2 of the fertile frond length), intersporangial scales absent.


Type. Mexico. Jalisco: Municipio de San Marti´n de Bolan˜os, Las Vidrieras, 10 km NW of El Platanar, Rzedowski 26161a (MICH!; isotype IEB!).

Elaphoglossum rzedowskii is a member of the E. petiolatum complex, which has entire or subentire rhizome and stipe scales and dissected blade scales, with a tendency for the scales to be reduced to resinous dots. The former species is distinct in the scaliness of the abaxial blade surfaces, and in this is close to E. pringlei. Elaphoglossum pringlei can be distinguished by the broader blades with acute rather than acuminate blade apices. It is possible that E. pringlei and E. rzedowskii are conspecific and represent regional variation of a single taxon.