Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.


Species Description - Rhizomes short-creeping to erect, to 12 mm diam.; rhizome scales linear, reddish orange, to 13 mm long, with short teeth;fronds clumped, 13–30 x 1.9–4.8 cm; phyllopodia inconspicuous or absent; stipes 2/5–3/5 the frond length, with scales light orange, erose, to 6 mm long, spreading; blades narrowly elliptic or ovatelanceolate, subcoriaceous, bases broadly cuneate to rounded, apices rounded; veins inconspicuous, free, simple or once-forked, ca. 1 mm apart, at ca. 60º angle to costa; hydathodes absent; blade scales with cilia shorter than the width of the scale body, scales of adaxial surfaces white, or with slightly darker centers, peltate, ovate-lanceolate, long-toothed, abundant, longer, darker orange, and less peltate on abaxial surface; fertile fronds as long as the sterile fronds, but with smaller blades and longer stipes (ca. 1/3 the fertile frond length), scales sparse, small and inconspicuous among the sporangia.


Acrostichum muscosum Sw., Prodr. 128. 1788. Type. Jamaica. Swartz s.n. (S; isotypes B-Willd. 19523, photo GH, BM!). Elaphoglossum hookerianum Underw. ex Maxon, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 13: 6. 1909. Type. Guatemala. Alta Verapaz: Coba´n, Tu¨rckheim II. 1862 (US!; isotype NY!).

Elaphoglossum muscosum belongs to a very distinct small group that is distinguished by the blade shape and densely clothed blades and stipes. This species is distinguished from E. engelii by having inconspicuous scales among the sporangia, less toothed rhizome and stipe scales, the more compact rhizome habit, and occurrence at lower elevations.


Mexico North America| Peru South America| Amazonas Ecuador South America| Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| West Indies| Jamaica South America| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America| El Salvador Central America| Honduras Central America| Guatemala Central America|