Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.


Species Description - Rhizomes compact, often 5–10 cm long, 3–5 mm diam., apices ascending; rhizome scales lanceolate, concolorous, castaneous toblack, 1–3 mm long, lustrous, entire, each often with a tortuous hair-like tip; fronds 17–34 cm long, approximate; phyllopodia present but obscured by scales; stipes 1/4–1/3 of sterile frond length, orange to brown; stipe scales ca. 1 mm long, mostly appressed, some spreading, lanceolate, dark to pale, the larger ones often dark-tipped; sterile blades (6–)15–24 x 0.8–1.6 cm, linear, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, bases narrowly cuneate, apices obtuse to rounded; veins obscure, ca. 1 mm apart, at 60–75º angle to costa; hydathodes absent; blade scales reduced to resinous dots on both surfaces, costal scales ca. 1 mm long, lanceolate, spreading, and scales along adaxial lamina margins 0.2–0.6 mm long, appressed, ovate, entire; fertile fronds far exceeding the sterile in length, stipes 2/3 of frond length, nearly as long as the entire sterile leaf, blades narrow, (6–)8–11 mm wide, intersporangial scales absent.

Distribution and Ecology - Terrestrial or epipetric on steep roadbanks in pineoak and wet forests. 1700–2200 m. Mexico; Guat, CR; Jam, Hisp; Col, Ven, Ec, Peru, Bol.


Acrostichum huacsaro Ruiz, Mem. Calaguala 57. 1805. Type. Peru. “Habitat in Andinum montibus ad Sanatolmas et Tarmac provinciae,” Ruiz 54 (B!; isotype BR, photos F, US).

Elaphoglossum huacsaro is distinct by the linear fronds with resinous dots abaxially and small marginal scales adaxially, obtuse blade apices, ascending rhizomes, and terrestrial habitat.


Mexico North America|