Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.


Species Description - Rhizomes short-creeping, to 5 mm diam.; rhizome scales linearlanceolate, orange-tan, to 7 mm long, margin with hair-like teeth; fronds clumped, 18–50 x 1.6–3.2 cm; phyllopodia inconspicuous or absent; stipes 1/8–1/4 the frond length, densely clothed with spreading, orange scales 4mmlong; blades narrowly elliptic, papyraceous, apices acuminate, bases narrowly cuneate; veins indistinct, free, simple or once-forked, 1–2 mm apart, at 60–70º angle to costa; hydathodes absent; blade scales orange, scattered, not overlapping, skeletonized, linear, 1–4 mm long with long, hair-like teeth, the teeth at least half as long as the scales, some scales reduced to nearly stellate hairs; fertile fronds with longer stipes, ca. 1/3 the fertile frond length, with a few stellate hairs on the abaxial costa.


Acrostichum auricomum Kunze, Linnaea 9: 28. 1834. Type. Peru. Pampayaco, Jul 1829, Poeppig s.n. (LZ destroyed, frag. P!).

This species is close to E. vestitum in the skeletonized blade scales and the general laxness of the fronds, but differs in several features. Elaphoglossum auricomum lacks caudate blade tips, the rhizome scales are not as dark, and the stipes are densely covered with spreading orange scales. It also resembles E. paleaceum, but the rhizome scales are dark orange or maroon, not black as usually found in E. paleaceum, and the blade scales are more sparse and more highly dissected than in that species. Some specimens have very short stipes, but apparently this character is quite variable in E. auricomum


Mexico North America| Bolivia South America| Peru South America| Amazonas Ecuador South America| Venezuela South America| Amazonas Colombia South America| West Indies| Costa Rica South America| Honduras Central America| Guatemala Central America|