Taxon Details: Elaphoglossum ciliatum (C.Presl) T.Moore
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Dryopteridaceae (Pteridophyta)
Scientific Name:

Elaphoglossum ciliatum (C.Presl) T.Moore
Primary Citation:

Index Fil. (T. Moore) 8: 353. 1857
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.

by: A. Vasco, R.C. Moran, and G. Rouhan

Type: Peru. Huánuco: near Huánuco, T. Haenke s.n. (holotype: PR, photo NY ex PR)

Description: Epiphytic or rarely terrestrial. Rhizome 2.5-3 mm wide, short- to long-creeping, glabrescent, black, often resinous; scales sometimes present but minute, easily seen in older parts of the rhizome and not in the apex, scales 0.2-0.5 mm long, circular, whitish to castaneous, subentire. Sterile leaves (18-) 25-53 cm long, 5-15 mm apart; phyllopodia present, 4-8 cm long; petioles 1/3-2/5(-1/2) the length of the sterile lamina, stramineous to tan or light brown; scales absent or reduced to resinous dots; laminae 15-30 x 1.1-2.6 cm, narrowly elliptic, chartaceous, the base evenly or abruptly cuneate, ending well above the phylopodia, the apex acute to acuminate; veins conspicuous, 1 mm apart, at a angle of 75° with respect to the costa, the apices free; hydathodes absent; lamina scales reduced to resinous dots, often on both surfaces but more pronounced on the abaxial side, sometimes with scattered scales in the abaxial costa, 0.5-1 mm long, lanceolate, tan, entire; marginal scales caducous (most easily seen on young leaves), 0.1-0.3 mm long, lanceolate, subentire or entire. Fertile leaves longer than the sterile; petioles 2/3 the length of the fertile leaf, tan to black; laminae 0.5-0.8 cm wide, linear, glabrous, the base narrowly cuneate, the apex acuminate.

Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru; elevation 400-3000 m. Mickel (1995) cited this species for Nicaragua.

Comments: Elaphoglossum ciliatum and E. nigrescens are most readily distinguished by the lamina bases and petiole lengths. In E. nigrescens the lamina is long-decurrent to the base of the petiole, usually ending at the phyllopodium. Therefore, it has no or almost no petiole. In contrast, E. ciliatum has a short-decurrent lamina that leaves a distinct petiole about 1/3-2/5(-1/2) the length of the sterile leaf. The rhizomes of Elaphoglossum ciliatum are apparently glabrous, but a closer inspection reveals the presence of minute, circular, appresed scales (less than 1 mm).These are easily seen in the older parts of the rhizome, in the apex they seem to be obscured by the resin. Because these rhizome scales are small and difficult to see, in the description and key they are described as glabrescent. For the distinction between E. ciliatum and E. burchellii, see the discussion of E. burchellii. See Elaphoglossum gramineum for comparision with that species.

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