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Boletus austroedulis Halling & Fechner ( isotype )
All Determinations:

Boletus austroedulis Halling & Fechner det. R. E. Halling


Australia. Queensland. Mareeba Shire. Mareeba. Davies Creek National Park, Davies Creek Road, 5 km from Kennedy Highway. Alt. 470 m. (1542 ft.)

R. E. Halling 8969 with N. Fechner, 24 Mar 2007

See 8947. Pileus grayish brown (6E4), even at first then slightly and irregularly and broadly rugulose, dry, sometimes developing scattered pinkish lilac stains. Flesh white, slowly changing to pinkish lilac near the surface when young, soon larvae riddled and not changing. Tubes adnate to adnexed, yellowish white with stuffed white pores when young, soon greenish yellow with erratic pale brown bruising on pores. Stipe 3.5-6 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, equal to subclavate and then sometimes pinched at the base, strict or curved, dry, usually even, but if reticulate then only the apical 5 mm or so, tan at first to pale grayish brown and white at base, soon white overall, with interior white, solid, unchanging. NH4: deep lilac lavender around application, orange at spot of application.

Dry sclerophyll. Eucalyptus sp. Gregarious. On soil.

Specimen Notes: Duplicate in BRI

HQ161780 (atp6)
JN029401 (COI)
HQ161847 (nrLSU)
HQ161816 (RPB1)

NY Barcode: 1393637
GUID: 2dbc4a0a-dd56-4128-85e0-33736ab823ed

Coordinates: (-16.9919, 145.567)


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