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Displaying 1 - 60 out of 64 Object(s)
Author Year Title Book/Journal
Antonín, Vladimír 1988 Type specimens of macromycetes described by Rudolf Dvorák.  View Details Casopis Moravského Musea v Brne. Vedy Prirodni / Acta Musei Moraviae. Scientiae Naturales.
Bidartondo, M. I., Bruns, T. D. 2005 On the origins of extreme mycorrhizal specificity in the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae): Performance trade-offs during seed germination and seedling development.  View Details Molecular Ecology
Kennedy, Peter G., Bergemann, Sarah E., Hortal, S., Bruns, T. D. 2007 Determining the outcome of field-based competition between two Rhizopogon species using real-time PCR.  View Details Molecular Ecology
Rusca, T. A., Kennedy, Peter G., Bruns, T. D. 2006 The effect of different pine hosts on the sampling of Rhizopogon spore banks in five Eastern Sierra Nevada forests.  View Details New Phytologist
Grubisha, L. C., Bergemann, Sarah E., Bruns, Thomas D. 2007 Host islands within the California Northern Channel Islands create fine-scale genetic structure in two sympatric species of the symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon.  View Details Molecular Ecology
Kennedy, Peter G., Hortal, S., Bergemann, Sarah E., Bruns, Thomas D. 2007 Competitive interactions among three ectomycorrhizal fungi and their relation to plant performance.  View Details Journal of Ecology. London
Kjoler, R., Bruns, Thomas D. 2003 Rhizopogon spore bank communities within and among California pine forests.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Bidartondo, M. I., Kretzer, A. M., Pine, E. M., Bruns, Thomas D. 2000 High root concentration and uneven ectomycorrhizal diversity near Sarcodes sanginea (Ericaceae): A cheater that stimulates its victims.  View Details American Journal of Botany; official publication of the Botanical Society of America
Kretzer, A., Li, Y., Szaro, T., Bruns, Thomas D. 1996 Internal transcribed spacer sequences from 38 recognized species of Suillus sensu lato: Phylogenetic and taxonomic implications.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Baura, G., Szaro, T. M., Bruns, Thomas D. 1992 Gastrosuillus laricinus is a recent derivitive of Suillus grevillei: molecular evidence.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Kretzer, A. M., Bidartondo, M. I., Grubisha, L. C., Spatafora, J. W., Szaro, T. M., Bruns, Thomas D. 2000 Regional specialization of Sarcodes sanguinea (Ericaceae) on a single fungal symbiont from the Rhizopogon ellenae (Rhizopogonaceae) species complex.  View Details American Journal of Botany; official publication of the Botanical Society of America
Trappe, James M., Castellano, Michael A. 2000 New sequestrate Ascomycota and Basidiomycota covered by the Northwest Forest Plan.  View Details Mycotaxon
Barroetavena, C., Rajchenberg, Mario, Cázares, Efrén 2005 Mycorrhizal fungi in Pinus ponderosa introduced in Central Patagonia (Argentina).  View Details Nova Hedwigia
Colgan, W., Claridge, A. W. 2002 Mycorrhizal effectiveness of Rhizopogon spores recovered from faecal pellets of small forest-dwelling mammals.  View Details Mycological Research
Nouhra, E. R., Dominguez, Laura S., Longo, S., Trappe, James M., Claridge, A. W. 2008 Ocurrence of ectomycorrhizal, hypogeous fungi in plantations of exotic tree species in Argentina.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Cribb, Joan W. 1958 Puffballs and related fungi in Queensland.  View Details Queensland naturalist
Cribb, Joan W. 1956 The Gasteromycetes of Queensland - III. Rhizopogon, Hymenogaster and Richoniella.  View Details Papers from the Department of Botany, University of Queensland
Zeller, Sanford M., Dodge, Carroll W. /02/1918 Rhizopogon in North America  View Details Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Sakakibara, S. M., Jones, M. D., Gillespie, M., Hagerman, S. M., Forrest, M. E., Simard, S. W., Durall, D. M. 2002 A comparison of ectomycorrhiza identification based on morphotyping and PCR-RFLP analysis.  View Details Mycological Research
Chávez, Daniel, et al. 2015 Phylogenetic and mycogeographical aspects of Lactarius and Rhizopogon associated with Pinus radiata in south-central Chile  View Details Phytotaxa
Córdova-Chávez, Octavio, et al. 2015 Adiciones al conocimiento de los hongos del Parque Nacional Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, México  View Details Revista Mexicana de Micología
States, Jack S., Gaud, W. S. 1997 Ecology of hypogeous fungi associated with ponderosa pine. I. Patterns of distribution and sporocarp production in some Arizona forests.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Gillis, William T. /12/1959 Subterranean Elaphomyces and Rhizopogon in the Michigan jack-pine region  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Trappe, James M., Guzmán, Gastón 1971 Notes on some hypogeous fungi from Mexico.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Hoeksema, J. D. 2005 Plant-plant interactions vary with different mycorrhizal fungus species  View Details Biology Letters
Li, Jianhua, Corajod, Jeffrey, Vander Stel, Holly, Homkes, Austin 2011 The mycorrhizal system of Pterospora andromedea (pine-drops) in West Michigan inferred from DNA sequence data  View Details Michigan Botanist
Ashkannejhad, S., Horton, Thomas R. 2006 Ectomycorrhyzal ecology under primary succession on coastal sand dunes: Interactions involving Pinus contorta, suilloid fungi and deer.  View Details New Phytologist
Allen, M., Trappe, James M., Horton, Thomas R. 1999 NATS truffle and truffle-like fungi 8: Rhizopogon mengei sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Basidiomycota).  View Details Mycotaxon
Hosford, David R. 1975 Taxonomic studies on the genus Rhizopogon I. Two new species [R. smithii, R. pachyspora] from the Pacific Northwest  View Details Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia
Moser, M. M., Peintner, U., Koflac, W. 1999 Observations on the occurrence of Rhizpogon pannosum in Austria  View Details Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde
Lange, Morton 1956 Danish hypogeous macromycetes.  View Details Dansk botanisk arkiv; udgivet af Dansk Botanisk Forening
Linder, David H. 15/12/1924 A new species of Rhizopogon from New Hampshire  View Details Rhodora, The Journal of the New England Botanical Club
Molina, R., Smith, J. E., McKay, D., Melville, L. H. 1997 Biology of the ectomycorrhizal genus, Rhizopogon III. Influence of co-cultured conifer species on mycorrhizal specificity with the arbutoid hosts Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Arbutus menziesii.  View Details New Phytologist
Miller, Steven L. /12/1986 Hypogeous fungi from south-eastern United States I. The genus Rhizopogon  View Details Mycotaxon
Molina, R. 1977 Ectomycorrhizal fungi and forestry practice.  View Details Mushrooms and Man, an interdisciplinary…
Massicotte, H. B., Melville, L. H., Peterson, R. L., Molina, R. 1999 Biology of the ectomycorrhizal fungal genus, Rhizopogon. IV. Comparative morphology and anatomy of ectomycorrhizas synthesized between several Rhizopogon species on Pondorosa pine (Pinus ponderosa).  View Details New Phytologist
Mmassicotte, H. B., Melville, L. H., Peterson, R. L., Molina, R. 2000 Comparative anatomy of ectomycorrhizas synthesized on Douglas fir by Rhizopogon spp. and the hypogeous relative Truncocolumella citrina.  View Details New Phytologist
Carey, A. B., Colgan, W., Trappe, James M., Molina, R. 2002 Effects of forest management on truffle abundance and squirrel diets.  View Details Northwest Science
Torres, P. A., Honrubia, M., Morte, M. A. 1991 In vitro synthesis of ectomycorrhizae between Suillus collinitus (Fr. ) O. Kuntze and Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th. M. Fr. with Pinus halepensis Miller  View Details Mycotaxon
Martín, M. P., Högberg, N., Nylund, J. E. 1998 Molecular analysis confirms morphological reclassification of Rhizopogon.  View Details Mycological Research
Martín, M. P., Kårén, O., Nylund, J. E. 2000 Molecular ecology of hypogeous mycorrhizal fungi.  View Details Phyton: Annales rei botanicae
Martin, Meredith P., Kårén, O., Nylund, J. E. 2000 Molecular ecology of hypogeous mycorrhizal fungi: Rhizopogon roseolus  View Details Phyton: Annales rei botanicae
Smith, M. E., Pfister, Donald H. 2009 Tuberculate ectomycorrhizae of angiosperms: The interaction between Boletus rubropunctus (Boletaceae) and Quercus species (Fagaceae) in the United States and Mexico.  View Details American Journal of Botany; official publication of the Botanical Society of America
LePage, B. A., Currah, R. S., Stockey, Ruth A., Rothwell, G. W. 1997 Fossil ectomycorrhizae from the Middle Eocene.  View Details American Journal of Botany; official publication of the Botanical Society of America
Luoma, D. L., Durall, D. M., Eberhart, J. L., Sidlar, K. 2011 Rediscovery of the vesicles that characterized Rhizopogon vesiculosus  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Smith, Alexander H. /03/1968 Further studies on Rhizopogon. I  View Details Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society
Smith, Alexander H. /01/1964 Rhizopogon, a curious genus of false truffles  View Details Michigan Botanist
Harrison, K. A., Smith, Alexander H. 1968 Some new species and distribution records of Rhizopogon in North America.  View Details Canadian Journal of Botany
Harrison, Kenneth A., Smith, Alexander H. /07/1968 Some new species and distribution records of Rhizopogon in North America  View Details Canadian Journal of Botany
Kretzer, A. M., Dunham, S., Molina, R., Spatafora, J. W. 2005 Patterns of vegetative growth and gene flow in Rhizopogon vinicolor and R. vesiculosus (Boletales, Basidiomycota)  View Details Molecular Ecology
Kretzer, A. M., Luoma, D. L., Molina, R., Spatafora, J. W. 2003 Taxonomy of the Rhizopogon vinicolor species complex based on analysis of ITS sequences and microsatellite loci.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Grubisha, L. C., Trappe, James M., Molina, R., Spatafora, J. W. 2002 Biology of the ectomycorrhizal genus Rhizopogon. VI. Re-examination of infrageneric relationships inferred from phylogenetic analyses of ITS sequences.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Grubisha, L. C., Trappe, James M., Molina, R., Spatfora, J. W. 2001 Biology of the ectomycorrhizal genus Rhizopogon. V. Phylogenetic relationships in the Boletales inferred from LSU rDNA sequences.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Totten, Henry R. /08/1923 Development of the fruit-body of a new parasitic Rhizopogon  View Details Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society
Trappe, James M. 1975 A revision of the genus Alpova with notes on Rhizopogon and the Melanogastraceae  View Details Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia
Castellano, Michael A., Trappe, James M. 1985 Ectomycorrhizal formation and plantation performance of Douglas-fir nursery stock inoculated with Rhizopogon spores.  View Details Canadian journal of forest research
Ho, Iwan, Trappe, James M. 25/08/1987 Enzymes and growth substances of Rhizopogon species in relation to mycorrhizal hosts and infrageneric taxonomy  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Hosford, David R., Trappe, James M. /12/1980 Taxonomic studies on the genus Rhizopogon, II. Notes and new records of species from Mexico and Caribbean countries  View Details Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Micología
Hosford, David R., Trappe, James M. 1988 A preliminary survey of Japanese species of Rhizopogon  View Details Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan. [Nihon kingakkai kaiho]
Molina, R., Trappe, James M. 1982 Patterns of ectomycorrhizal host specificity and potential among Pacific Northwest conifers and fungi.  View Details Forest science. Monograph.