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Displaying 1 - 50 out of 50 Object(s)
Author Year Title Book/Journal
Horak, Egon 1977 New and rare boletes from Chile.  View Details Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. La Plata
Singer, R. 1990 Agaricales new for Mexico or Central America.  View Details Anales del instituto de biologia de la universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico. Serie Botanica
Singer, Rolf 1990 Agaricales new for Mexico or Central America  View Details Anales del instituto de biologia de la universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico. Serie Botanica
Heinemann, Paul, Rammeloo, J., Rullier, E. 1988 L'ornamentation sporale des Xerocomaceae a spores dites lisses.  View Details Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique
Heinemann, Paul, Rammeloo, J. 1990 Taxa nova Boletineae.  View Details Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique
Heinemann, Paul, Rammeloo, J. 1995 Taxa nova Boletineae africanae.  View Details Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique
Heim, R., Perreau, J. 1964 Deux Boletellus nouveaux d'Afrique tropicale.  View Details Cahiers de la Maboké; organe de la Station Expérimentale du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle en République Centrafricaine
Redeuilh, G. 1988 Etudes nomenclaturales sur les bolets. II. Validite des noms de bolets introduits par E. J. Gilbert ("Les Bolets," Paris 1931).  View Details Documents mycologiques
Zang, M., Chen, C. M., Sittigul, C. 1999 Some new and interesting taxa of Boletales from tropical Asia.  View Details Fungal science. Taipei
Stevenson, G. 1961 The Agaricales of New Zealand: I.  View Details Kew Bulletin
Halling, Roy E. 1989 A synopsis of Colombian boletes.  View Details Mycotaxon
Hongo, T., Chen, Zuei-Ching 1985 New records of Agaricales form Taiwan.  View Details Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shiga University, Natural Science
Wolfe, Carl B. 1979 Mucilopilus, a new genus of the Boletaceae, with emphasis on North American taxa.  View Details Mycotaxon
Gonzales-Velazquez, A., Valenzuela, R. 1995 A new species of Boletellus (Basidiomycotina, Agaricales: Boletaceae) from Mexico.  View Details Mycotaxon
Watling, Roy, Hollands, R. 1989 Boletes from Sarawak.  View Details Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Singer, R., Grinling, K. 1967 Some Agaricales from the Congo.  View Details Persoonia
Nagasawa, E. 1997 A preliminary checklist of the Japanese Agaricales. I. The Boletineae.  View Details Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute. [Kinjin kenkyusho kenkyu hokoku]
Heim, R., Perreau-Bertrand, J. 1963 Le genre Boletellus a Madagascar et en Nouvelle-Caledonie.  View Details Revue de Mycologie, Paris
McNabb, R. F. R. 1967 The Strobilomycetaceae of New Zealand.  View Details New Zealand Journal of Botany
González-Velázquez, A., Valenzuela, R. 1995 A new species of Boletellus (Basidiomycotina, Agaricales: Boletaceae) from Mexico  View Details Mycotaxon
Horak, Egon 1977 Boletellus and Poprhyrellus in Papua New Guinea.  View Details Kew Bulletin
Nagasawa, E. 1984 Boletellus elatus, a new bolete from Japan.  View Details Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan
Mayor, J. R., Fulgenzi, T. D., Henkel, Terry W., Halling, Roy E. 2008 Boletellus piakaii sp. nov. and a new distribution record for Bolletellus ananas var. ananas from Guyana.  View Details Mycotaxon
Gómez P., L. D. 1992 Los Basidiomicetes de Cota Rica. IV. Revisión de género Strobilomyces Berk. (Agaricales, Boletaceae).  View Details Brenesia
Henkel, Terry W., et al. 2012 Ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarp diversity and discovery of new taxa in Dicymbe monodominant forsets of sthe Guiana Shield  View Details Biodiversity and Conservation.
Mayor, J. R., Fulgenzi, T. D., Henkel, Terry W., Halling, Roy E. 2008 Boletellus piakaii sp. nov. and a new distribution record for Boletellus ananas var. ananas from Guyana  View Details Mycotaxon
Thiers, Harry D. 1963 The bolete flora of the Gulf Coastal Plain. I. The Strobilomycetaceae.  View Details Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society
Thiers, Harry D. 1976 Species concepts in the boletes.  View Details Bibliotheca Mycologica. Lehre, Vaduz, Suttgart
Grand, Larry F. /07/1970 Notes on North Carolina baletos. I. Species of Boletellus, Phylloporus, Strobilomyces, Tylopilus, and Xanthoconium  View Details Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society
Gómez P., L. D. 1996 Basidiomicetes de Costa Rica [IX]: Xerocomus, Chalciporus, Pulveroboletus, Boletellus, Xanthoconium (Agaricales: Boletaceae).  View Details Revista de Biología Tropical; International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation
Horak, Egon 1980 Indian Boletales and Agaricales. Revisions and new taxa.  View Details Sydowia; An international journal of mycology
Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, Irmgard 1992 Xerocomus chrysenteron und ahnlich aussehende Rohrlinge.  View Details Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde
Oliveira, I. C., Souza, M. A. 1995 Boletales (Hymenomycetes) no Campus I da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa: I - Xerocomaceae.  View Details Revista nordestina de biologia
Flores Arzù, R., Simonini, Giampaolo 2000 Contributo alla conoscenza delle Boletales del Guatemala.  View Details Rivista di Micologia
Halling, Roy E., Ortiz-Santana, Beatriz 2009 A revision of Boletellus sect. Ixocephali.  View Details Mycological Progess
Xu, Chang, et al. 12/07/2022 Boletellus putuoensis (Boletaceae, Boletales), a new bolete from subtropical China  View Details Phytotaxa
Halling, Roy E., Fechner, Nigel, Nuhn, Mitchell E., Osmundson, Todd W., Soytong, Kasem, Arora, David, Binder, Manfred, Hibbett, David S. 2015 Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combinations in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus.  View Details Australian Systematic Botany
Halling, Roy E., Fechner, Nigel, Nuhn, Mitchell E., Osmundson, Todd W., Soytong, Kasem, Arora, David, Binder, Manfred, Hibbett, David S. 2015 Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combinations in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus.  View Details Australian Systematic Botany
Halling, Roy E., Fechner, Nigel, Nuhn, Mitchell E., Osmundson, Todd W., Soytong, Kasem, Arora, David, Binder, Manfred, Hibbett, David S. 2015 Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combinations in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus.  View Details Australian Systematic Botany
Halling, Roy E., Fechner, Nigel, Nuhn, Mitchell E., Osmundson, Todd W., Soytong, Kasem, Arora, David, Binder, Manfred, Hibbett, David S. 2015 Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combinations in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus.  View Details Australian Systematic Botany
Halling, Roy E., Fechner, Nigel, Nuhn, Mitchell E., Osmundson, Todd W., Soytong, Kasem, Arora, David, Binder, Manfred, Hibbett, David S. 2015 Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combinations in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus.  View Details Australian Systematic Botany
Díaz, G., Flores, R., Honrubia, Mario 2009 Descripción de cultivos miceliares de Boletales neotropicales y europeos (Boletus grupo edulis, Boletellus y Suillus) y formación de primordios de B. edulis en cultivo puro.  View Details Revista Mexicana de Micología
Fulgenzi, T. D., Mayor, J. R., Henkel, Terry W., Halling, Roy E. 2008 New species of Boletellus from Guyana.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Thiers, Harry D. 1966 California boletes. II.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Halling, Roy E., Fechner, Nigel, Nuhn, Mitchell E., Osmundson, Todd W., Soytong, Kasem, Arora, David, Binder, Manfred, Hibbett, David S. 2015 Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combiantions in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus.  View Details Australian Systematic Botany
Gómez, L. D. 1997 Basidiomicetes de Costa Rica: View Details Revista de Biología Tropical; International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation
Ortiz-Santana, Beatriz, Lodge, D. Jean, Baroni, Timothy J., Both, Ernst E. 2007 Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Republic.  View Details Fungal Diversity: An International Journal of Mycology
Wu, Gang, et al. 2014 Molecular phylogenetic analyses redefine seven major clases and reveal 22 new generic clades in the fungal family Boletaceae  View Details Fungal Diversity: An International Journal of Mycology
Watling, Roy, Turnbull, E. 1992 Boletes from south and east central Africa - I.  View Details Edinburgh Journal of Botany
Sato, Hirotoshi, Hattori, Tsutomu 2015 New species of Boletellus section Boletellus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Japan, B. aurocontextuys sp. nov. and B. areoaltus sp. nov.  View Details PLoS One