Rupert C. Barneby


Paraserianthes Nielsen, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. B, Adansonia, ser. 4, 5: 326, quoad solam sect. Paraserianthem, caeteris exclusis. 1983, based on Albizzia sect. Lophantha Miquel, Fl. Ned. Ind. 1: 29. 1855. — Sp. typica (unica): P. lophantha (Willdenow) Nielsen = Acacia lophantha Willdenow = Albizzia lophantha Bentham.

Albizzia sect. Spiciflorae Bentham, London J. Bot. 3: 85. 1844, parva ex parte (sp. 3), exclus. sp. lectotypica A. fulgens Labillardiere (Fosberg, 1965: 73) quae = Archidendropsis fulgens (Labillardiere) Nielsen.

Albizzia sect. Spiciflorae ser. Pachyspermae Bentham, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30: 559. 1875. — Sp. typica: A. lophantha (Willdenow) Bentham = Paraserianthes lophantha (Willdenow) Nielsen — Albizia sect. Pachysperma (Bentham) Fosberg, Reinwardtia 7: 74, ex parte, omnibus praeter typum exclusis. 1965.

With the exclusion of Falcataria, as proposed above, Paraserianthes becomes monotypic, consisting however of four varieties (Nielsen et al., 1983b: 351, pl. 9). The description that follows incorporates the generic characters but applies precisely only to var. lophantha, native to southwestern Australia, occasionally cultivated and naturalized in the Americas.

Paraserianthes seems taxonomically isolated in Ingeae. The very numerous stamens of the individual flower, short in proportion to the calyx and only shortly united at base, and the minute anthers (0.2-25 mm long, 1.1-1.3 times wider than long) are reminiscent of some species of Acacia.

References: [Article] Barneby, Rupert C. & Grimes, James W. 1996. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part I. Abarema, Albizia, and allies. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-292.