Calliandra Species Pages

Calliandra hirtiflora var. ripicola

Rupert C. Barneby

101b. Calliandra hirtiflora Bentham var. ripicola Barneby, var. nov., a var. hirtiflora caulibus subglabris, perianthio minutim granuloso recedens. — Brazil. Bahia, mun. Andaraí: rio Paraguaçú, 19 Jun 1984 (fl). G. Hatschbach (with R. Kummrow) 48062. — Holotypus, MBM; isotypi, K, NY.

Characters of the species, except as modified by key to varieties.

On rocky river banks, 400-1000 m, locally plentiful along upper n. fork of rio Paraguaçú, between 12°10'S and 12°50'S (Dr Seabra, Palmeiras, Lengois, Andaraí) in interior Bahia. — Fl. I, VI, IX-X, the full cycle not known.

References: [Article] Barneby, Rupert C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: A generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-223.