Calliandra Species Pages

Calliandra umbellifera

Rupert C. Barneby

31. Calliandra umbellifera Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 2: 141. 1840. — "Ceara, Brazil, Gardner, n. 1581," the locality more precisely stated in Hooker, London J. Bot. 3: 102. 1844. — "Dry hills near Crato in Ceara." — Holotypus, K (hb. Hook.)! = IPA Neg. 1466 = NY Neg. 1956', isotypi, GH!, OXF!. — Feuilleea cearana O. Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 185. 1891.

C. umbellifera sensu Bentham, 1875: 544; 1876: 413; Ducke, 1953: 427.

Drought-deciduous microphyll shrubs 1.3 m and probably taller with stiff, simply virgate or few- branched long-shoots but no brachyblasts or resting- buds, the new stems at once minutely puberulent, thinly pilose with straight white hairs to 0.4-1.1 mm, and, with the inflorescence, in addition minutely capitate-glandular and resinous, the bicolored lfts ciliate, glabrous facially but dorsally micropapillate, the umbellate units of inflorescence borne singly in the axil of distal lvs of current year; phyllotaxy distichous. Stipules erect, lanceolate or narrowly ovate 3-9 x 0.7-1.4 mm, the stiffly papery blade 4-6-nerved, persistent. Lf-formula i—ii(—iii)/l 3—17; lf-stks 2-16 mm, the one (or longer) interpinnal segment about as long as petiole proper, the ventral groove narrow or obscure; rachis of longer pinnae 1.6-4.2 cm, the longer interfoliolar segments 1.2-2.3 mm; lft-pulvinules 0.25-0.35 mm; lfts subequilong except at very ends of rachis, the blade oblong from obtusely auriculate base, obtuse or obscurely apiculate, the longer ones 6-8.5 x 2.2-3 mm, 2.5-3 times as long as wide; venation palmate-pinnate, the straight midrib only slightly eccentric, giving rise on each side to 3-5 divaricate secondary nerves brochidodrome well within the plane margin, the inner of 2 primary posterior nerves produced no further than 1/3 length of blade, tertiary venulation imperceptible, the whole venation immersed or almost so above, finely prominulous beneath. Peduncles stout 0.9-3 cm, bracteolate below middle, the bracteole resembling a stipule but smaller, the hemispherical or narrowly clavate receptacle 0.15-0.25 mm; bracts of lowest firs linear-lanceolate 0.6-1 mm, caducous, the upper fls ebracteate; umbels 10—17-fld, the fls heteromorphic, the peripheral ones slenderly long-pedicellate, the 1-3 innermost ones shortly stoutly pedicellate and the perianth stouter and longer (these occasionally abortive); PERIPHERAL FLS: pedicel 10-17 x 0.25-0.4 mm; perianth stipitate-glandular overall, sometimes in addition minutely puberulent, the corolla prior to anthesis plumply pyriform, the venation fine, subimmersed; calyx campanulate or campanulate-patelliform 1.6-2.4 x 1.5-2 mm, the subulate obtuse teeth 0.7-1.1 mm; corolla 8.5-9.5 mm, the broadly ovate lobes 2.5-3.5 mm; androecium 26-38-merous, ±5 cm, the thickened, externally ribbed stemonozone 2-3 mm, the tube 4-5 mm, the filaments whitish; intrastaminal disc 0; ovary at early anthesis glabrous, subsessile, becoming densely glandular after fertilization; CENTRAL FLS (not well known): calyx almost of the peripheral fls, sometimes slightly longer; corolla broadly rounded at base, 9-11 x 2-6 mm; ovary (always?) 0. Pod unknown.

In unrecorded habitats, to be expected in caatinga thickets, apparently local, known only from s. Ceará and s.-w. Piauí, Brazil. — Map 20. — Fl. VII-VIII(-?).

Among the members of sect. Androcallis distinguished by umbelliform capitula that are known from eastern Brazil north of Bahia, C. umbellifera is eminently singular in the stipitate-glandular perianth. Lacking flowers, the species differs from the probably related C. ulei in somewhat fewer (13-17, not 24-31) pairs of leaflets on the longer pinnae, and in leaflets nearly twice as large (to 8-8.5, not 3-4.5, mm long), dorsally micropapillate, and distinctly pinnate-veined.

References: [Article] Barneby, Rupert C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: A generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-223.