Calliandra Species Pages

Calliandra ulei

Rupert C. Barneby

29. Calliandra ulei Harms in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 42; 205. 1908. — "Piauhy: Catinga der Serra Branca [8°10'S, 41°15'W] (ULE n. 7440 — Jan. 1907)." — Holotypus, †B = F. Neg. 12661; isotypi HBG!, K! = IPA Neg. 1476.

Microphyll shrubs reportedly (protologue) 1-3 m tall with virgate long-shoots and crowded foliate brachyblasts, the primary intemodes ±5-14 mm, the new stems, lf-axes and peduncles pilosulous with fine straight subvertical hairs to ±0.6 mm mixed, in inflorescence, with few minute capitellate trichomes, the foliage bicolored, the small imbricate lfts dark lustrous green (when dry brown) above, pallid dull beneath, ciliate with straight ascending or distally hooked hairs, the stout peduncles arising singly from primary lf-axils toward top of long-shoots, the capitula umbelliform; phyllotaxy distichous. Stipules narrowly lanceolate, those of primary lvs, including lf-spur, 5-8 x 1 1.5 mm, those of brachyblasts imbricate and somewhat shorter, all weakly nerved, pubescent dorsally, marcescent. Lf-formula iii-v(-vi)/24—31, the pinnae of most primary lvs 3-5-, of brachyblast lvs 2-3-jug.; lf- stk of primary lvs ±1-2 cm, the petiole 1.5-4 mm, the interpinnal segments 2-4 mm, the ventral groove narrow, bridged at insertion of pinnae; pinnae a little accrescent distally, the axis of furthest ones 22-27 mm, the interfoliolar segments 0.3-0.6 mm; lft-pulvinules 0.15-0.2 mm; lfts equilong except at very ends of rachis, the blades oblong or lance-elliptic from obtusely auriculate base, obtuse, the longer ones 3-4.5 x 1-1.3 mm, 3-3.4 times as long as wide; midrib either subcentric or forwardly displaced to divide blade 1:2, simple or faintly 2-4-branched on each side, the posterior primary nerve not or scarcely perceptible externally. Peduncles 1-3.3 cm, 1-bracteate near middle, the broad-lanceolate bract 2-2.5 mm, the clavate axis of capitulum 2-3 mm; floral bracts 0.4 mm or less, caducous; umbels 15—22-fld, the fls heteromorphic, the peripheral ones slenderly pedicellate, the 2-4 furthest ones shorter and stouter, shortly pedicellate, all glabrous except for minutely puberulent tip of calyx- and corolla-lobes; PERIPHERAL FLS: pedicel 8-12 x 0.3-0.35 mm, turbinately dilated at base of fl; perianth 5-merous; calyx ±1.2 mm, cleft to base into narrowly lanceolate lobes; corolla whitish or perhaps reddish-tinged, ±7 mm, the tube much dilated at the limb, the lobes ±2.6 x 2 mm; androecium white (Ule), to 53 mm, 22-merous, the thickened stemonozone 2.5 mm, the tube ±4.5 mm, some filaments irregularly fasciculate beyond orifice; ovary glabrous; TERMINAL FLS: pedicel ±2 x 0.8; calyx as in peripheral fls but teeth to 3 mm; corolla ±9 mm, the stoutly cylindric stemonozone ±3.5 mm, in section 0.4 mm thick, the broadly ovate lobes ±4x2 mm; androecium to 66 mm, 26- merous, the tube 5 mm; no ovary and no intrastaminal disc. Pod unknown.

In caatinga, at unrecorded elevation, known only from the type-locality near 8°S in s.-e. Piauí, Brazil. — Map 20. — Fl. I—II.

References: [Article] Barneby, Rupert C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: A generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-223.