Calliandra Species Pages

Calliandra macrocalyx var. aucta

Rupert C. Barneby

27b. Calliandra macrocalyx Harms var. aucta Barneby, var. nov., a var. macrocalyce calycis den- tibus lanceolato-caudatis ±10 mm (nec depresse deltatis ovatisve ±1.5-4 mm) longis, ulterius foliolis dorso glabris (nec pilosulis) androecioque longis- simo 9 cm usque (nec 5-7 cm) longo diversa. —

BRAZIL. Bahia: Mun. Casa Nova, 9°31'S, 41°23'W, 8 Oct 1981 (fl), Lucia M. C. Gongalves 209 = Herb. RADAMBRASIL 4825. — Holotypus, K.

Calyx as described in key to varieties; lfts dorsally glabrous; androecium ±9 mm.

In sandy soil of estepe arbórea aberta, at unrecorded elevation, known only from the type-locality on the left bank of rio São Francisco at 41°23'W in n.- e. Bahia. — Map 19.

This remarkable plant differs substantially from var. macrocalyx only in the modified calyx-teeth, which are prolonged to equal the corolla. The dorsally glabrous leaflets and longer androecium mentioned in the Latin diagnosis are perhaps only individual aberrations. The collector of the type described var. aucta as a subshrub, whereas other material of C. macrocalyx is definitely fruticose or arborescent.

References: [Article] Barneby, Rupert C. 1998. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: A generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part III. Calliandra. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-223.