Dalea capitata var. capitata

Rupert C. Barneby

117a.  Dalea capitata Watson var. capitata

(Plate CVI)

Young branchlets either glabrous or puberulent; foliage bright yellow-green or glaucescent, the mostly folded leaflets 1-3.5 (5.5) mm long; spikes (4) 6-20 (35)- flowered, the axis finally 3-25 (35) mm long. — Collections: 20 (iv).

Open rocky hills in desert-grassland transition, perhaps entering the lower edge of pinyon or pinyon-pine forest, 1680- 2350 m (5600-7830 ft), local but forming colonies, s. Coahuila (mpos Parras and Saltillo) and adjacent Durango (mpo Pedro del Gallo-Ciudad Lerdo) to n. and n.-w. Zacatecas (mpos Melchor Ocampo, Concepcion, Mazapil, Sain Alto) and n. San Luis Potosi (mpo Charcas), e. to the w. piedmont of Sierra Madre Oriental in extreme s.-w. Nuevo Leon (mpo Aramberri). —Flowering (March) April to October, following rains .—Representative: Durango: M. C. Johnston et al. 11,461a (TEX). Coahuila: Purpus 4667 (F, UC); Shreve 8560 (ARIZ); Correll & Johnston 21,338 (RENNER); Ripley & Barneby 14,143 (CAS, MEXU, NY, US), 14,512 (NY); Shreve 9386 (ARIZ, UC); M. C. Johnston 2962 (TEX); Gentry 8553 (MEXU, MICH, UC). Nuevo Leon: Shreve & Tinkham 9689 (ARIZ). San Luis Potosi: Rzedowski 6592 (ENCB).

Dalea capitata (headlike, of the spikes, seldom appropriate) Wats., Proc. Amer. Acad. 25. 146. 1890. — "At Carneros Pass, Coahuila [ acc. Davis, 1936, p. 66, "in pine woods east of the station a mile or two"]; September [5], 1889 (n. 2378)."-Holotypus, GH! isotypi, BR, M, MEXU, NY (2 sheets), SD, UC, US, W!—Parosela capitata (Wats.) Rose, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12: 272. 1909.

Parosela lloydii (Francis Ernest Lloyd, 1867-1947) Rydb., N. Amer. Fl. 24: 84. 1920 ("Lloydii"). — "Type collected at Cedros, Zacatecas, April 29, 1908, Lloyd 60..."Holotypus, US! isotypus, UC! — Dalea lloydii (Rydb.) Gentry, Madrono 10: 250. 1950.

A neat little shrub, becoming gnarled and woody at base, the decumbent branches sometimes rooting where they touch the ground, thereby forming miniature thickets Only depauperate inflorescences borne on lateral spurs during the dry season can properly be described as capitate, the majority being obviously spiciform, especially in fruit. The young twigs vary from glabrous to puberulent, sometimes in the same locality. I collected both at Carneros Pass, and the glabrous form grows at Concepcion del Oro, in the same range as Cedros, type-locality of Parosela lloydii. The only differential character assigned to the latter being a pubescent stem, it can be reduced to synonymy without regrets. A more distinguished variant, probably representing a taxonomically significant form, was collected by Rzedowski (no. 6472, ENCB) at 1600 m on the road from San Luis Potosi to Antiguo Morelos (near km 112, in mpo Guadalcazar). The specimens, collected in November, are depauperate, but silky-pilosulous throughout, in this different from all named forms of D. capitata. Spikes (probably starveling) 3-4-flowered, short but not capitate; leaflets 3-7, mostly 5, up to 2.5 mm long, pubescent both sides; bracts ± 2.5 mm long, pilosulous dorsally; calyx 5 mm, the tube ± 2.5 mm long, the dorsal tooth as long. The locality is only about 50 km n.-w. of the type-station of D. capitata var. quinqueflora, but the plant is different in many details.

References: [Article] Barneby, Rupert C. 1977. Daleae Imagines, an illustrated revision of Errazurizia Philippi, Psorothamnus Rydberg, Marine Liebmann, and Dalea Lucanus emen. Barneby, including all species of Leguminosae tribe Amorpheae Borissova ever referred to Dalea. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 27: 1-892.
