
Silk Tree, Guanacaste, Monkey's Earring Part II page 58 figure 4

B. Angell

The New York Botanical Garden Press

Fig. 4. Cojoba zanonii (Barneby) Barneby & Grimes. A. Habit. B. Leaf. C. Petiolar nectary. D. Leaflet, left dorsal, right ventral face. E. Inflorescence. F. Flower. G. Pod. H. Dehiscence of pod. I, J. Seeds. K. Seedling plant. (A from photograph by T. A. Zanoni; B-D from Proctor et al. 39088; E, F from Zanoni 30350; G-J from Zanoni & García 35610; K from Zanoni 36337, grown at Jardín Botánico Nacional, Santo Domingo.)

Image may not be reproduced without the permission of The New York Botanical Garden Press and Bobbi Angell.