
Silk Tree, Guanacaste, Monkey's Earring Part I page 250 figure 18

B. Angell

The New York Botanical Garden Press

Fig. 18. Illustration of Enterolobium schomburgkii (A-G) and E. oldemanii (H). A. Habit. (Drawn from Silva 4781.) B. Leaf-nectaries. (Silva 4781.) C. Leaflets. (Silva 4781.) D. Peripheral flower. (Silva 1387.) E. Dimorphic terminal flower. (Silva 1387.) F. Fruits. (Silva 4781, left ft; Smith 41781, right ft; Silva 2474, lower ft.) G. Seed. (Silva 4781.) H. Dimorphic terminal flower of Enterolobium oldemanii. (Oldeman 2242) the largest fruit, lowermost of the three, is drawn from Silva 2474 (NY), collected in Brazil.) The largest fruit matches closely those found on E. oldemanii in French Guiana, and it may be that E. oldemanii extends into Brazil. However, until flowers are collected this possibility remains unconfirmed.

Image may not be reproduced without the permission of The New York Botanical Garden Press and Bobbi Angell.