Displaying 1 - 6 out of 6 Object(s)

Person Herbarium Code Institution Location Research Pursuits
Marlin Bowles MOR The Morton Arboretum U.S.A. Illinois. Lisle. Midwestern U.S. rare and endangered species
Marlene Hahn MOR The Morton Arboretum U.S.A. Illinois. Lisle. Flora of the Western Great Lakes region; molecular systematics; Quercus phylogenetics, herbarium, herbarium outreach
Andrew Hipp MOR The Morton Arboretum U.S.A. Illinois. Lisle. Systematics and ecology of Carex, Cyperaceae, and Quercus, Fagaceae; molecular systematics and phylogenetic comparative analysis; floristics
Michael T. Stieber MOR The Morton Arboretum U.S.A. Illinois. Lisle. Poaceae; botanical biography; history of agrostology
Nick A. Stoynoff MOR The Morton Arboretum U.S.A. Illinois. Lisle. Flora of Chicago region; natural lands inventory; systematics of Quercus, Fagaceae
Lindsey Worcester MOR The Morton Arboretum U.S.A. Illinois. Lisle. Herbarium work, molecular systematics, Asclepias, phylogenetics