Liudmyla A. Glushchenko |
Research Station of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Economy of Natural Resources |
Ukraine. Poltava. Berezotocha, Lubny District. |
Taxonomy, systematic; medicinal plants; wolrdwide |
Maryna A. Kalinina |
Research Station of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Economy of Natural Resources |
Ukraine. Poltava. Berezotocha, Lubny District. |
Systematics; ecology; medinical plants; worldwide |
Tetiana L. Shevchenko |
Research Station of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Economy of Natural Resources |
Ukraine. Poltava. Berezotocha, Lubny District. |
Systematics; ecology; medicinal plants; worldwide |
Liubov M. Syvoglaz |
Research Station of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Economy of Natural Resources |
Ukraine. Poltava. Berezotocha, Lubny District. |
Taxonomy; systematics; medicinal plants; worldwide |