Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Object(s)

Person Herbarium Code Institution Location Research Pursuits
Eyal Ben-Hur HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Community ecology
Ilana Haas HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Systematics and ecology of mosses
David Heller HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Trifolium, Fabaceae; bibliography of Middle Eastern plant systematics
Hagar Leschner HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Desert plant autoecology; flora of the Levant; conservation biology
Yakov Lorch HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Paleobotany; history of science
Uzi Plitmann HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Biosystematics; Fabaceae; weeds; reproductive biology; medicinal plants
Edith Ramon HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Marine algae
Avi Shmida HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Mountain floras; desert floras; Brassicaceae
Daniel Zohary HUJ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Jerusalem. Poaceae; wild relatives of cultivated plants native to Mediterranean basin and southwestern Asia