Dieudonné B. Batido |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Collection and Database Management ; Collection pest and contamination control; forestry; flora of the Congo Basin |
Floribert D. Bujo |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Taxonomy and ecology of Orchidaceae (Angraecum) and Rubiaceae (Psychotria); flora of tropical Africa; taxonomy and ecology of forest edible fungi |
Corneille E. Ewango |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Tropical botany, taxonomy and phylogeography; Sapotaceae, Orchidaceae, Euphorbiaceae Putranjivaceae Drypetes, Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus, ferns and allies; flora of tropical Africa; ecology and taxonomy of lianas |
Innocent B. Liengola |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Taxonomy and ecology of Rubiaceae and Fabaceae (Dahlbergia); flora of tropical Africa; non-timber forest products |
Therèse B. Lithoy |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Non-timber Forest Products (Edible plants); Apocynaceae (Landolphia), Malvaceae (Cola); flora of the DR Congo; Zingiberaceae: Aframomum, Renealmia; ecology |
Jacob K. Madidi |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Biodiversity and biological explorations; flora of the Congo Basin; taxonomy and ecology of lianas |
Jacques M. Mukinzi |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Biodiversity and taxonomy of understory plants; flora of the Congo Basin; taxonomy and ecology of lianas (Loganiaceae: Strychnos; Connaraceae : Cnestis); ; Fabaceae (Cynometra), Malvaceae (Scaphopetalum) |
Peter M. Umunay |
Centre de Formation et de Recherche en Conservation Forestière |
Democratic Republic of Congo. Province Orientale. Epulu. |
Forest ecology, herbarium data management; ecology, biodiversity and biogeography; angiosperm flora of tropical Africa |