Displaying 1 - 4 out of 4 Object(s)

Person Herbarium Code Institution Location Research Pursuits
Howard F. Fox DBN National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Ireland. Dublin. Flora of Ireland; lichens; lichenicolous fungi; ascomycetes
Matthew Jebb DBN National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Ireland. Dublin. Floras of Ireland and New Guinea; Araliaceae; Aristolochia, Aristolochiaceae; Barringtonia, Lecythidaceae; Nepenthes, Nepenthaceae; Pandanus, Pandanaceae; Rubiaceae ant-plants
Colin Kelleher DBN National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Ireland. Dublin. Flora of Ireland; phylogeography; Fagaceae; Ranunculaceae; Salicaceae; Aquatic plants; DNA barcoding; population genetics and genomics of woody species
Noeleen Smyth DBN National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Ireland. Dublin. Flora of Ireland; flora of Pitcairn Island; conservation biology; invasive species; ferns and fern allies; bryology