Displaying 1 - 62 out of 62 Object(s)

Person Herbarium Code Institution Location Research Pursuits
Martyn Ainsworth K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Fungi of Conservation Concern (GB); British rarities; wood-inhabiting, stipitate hydnoid, bolete and waxcap fungi
William J. Baker K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Arecaceae; Malesia; New Guinea; phylogeny; Madagascar
Melissa Bavington K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Spirit collections management
Henk Beentje K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Tropical Africa; Peninsular Malaysia; Asteraceae; Pandanaceae; plant diversity; conservation; glossary
Irina Belyaeva K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. International Plant Names Index; Salicaceae (Populus, Salix) worldwide
Gemma Bramley K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Asian plants, especially Lamiales
Stuart Cable K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Madagascar plant diversity and conservation
P. F. Cannon K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Ascomycota
Martin Cheek K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Africa; Malvales; Meliaceae; insectivorous plants; saprophytes
Ruth Clark K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Leguminosae, specialising in South East Asia and Caesalpinoideae, particularly Caesalpinia s.l. and Bauhinia s.l.
Colin Clubbe K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Conservation
M. J. Coode K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Elaeocarpaceae
Thomas A. Cope K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Poaceae
Charlotte Couch K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. West African plants; threatened plants of the Republic of Guinea
Phillip J. Cribb K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Systematics of Orchidaceae, with particular reference to slipper orchids and Madagascan orchids
Iain Darbyshire K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Acanthaceae of Africa and Madagascar; identification of conservation priority species and Important Plant Areas in Africa
Aaron P. Davis K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Rubiaceae, especially Coffea; petaloid monocotyledons; Madagascar
Sally Dawson K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Rubiaceae; Madagascar
Soejatmi Dransfield K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Bambusoideae; Poaceae
John Dransfield K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Arecaceae; southeastern Asia; Madagascar
Aljos Farjon K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Gymnosperms; ancient oaks of England
Shahina A. Ghazanfar K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Flora of Iraq (editor); Flora of Oman (editor and author); floristics and vegetation of the Middle East
Rafael H. Govaerts K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. World Checklist of Selected Plant families (WCSP); extinct plants; cultivars of weeping trees
David J. Goyder K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Plant diversity in tropical Africa; Angola; Apocynaceae, especially subfam. Asclepiadoideae
Anna Haigh K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Araceae; Lilioid and Alismatid monocotyledons
Martin A. Hamilton K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Conservation; biogeography; genetics and ecology of Caribbean Islands, especially Boraginaceae in the Puerto Rican Bank
Ray Harley K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Neotropics; Lamiaceae
David J. Hind K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Compositae
Susan C. Holmes K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Euphorbiaceae of Africa; Aloe, Liliaceae
Bente B. Klitgaard K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. London. Systematic and taxonomic research on Detarioid and Dalbergioid legumes; and lead Neotropikey, which publishes online identification tools for Neotropical flowering plants (http://www.kew.org/science/tropamerica/neotropikey.htm)
Isabel Larridon K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Cyperaceae; Africa; Madagascar
Gwilym P. Lewis K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Leguminosae (Fabaceae); systematics; neotropics; Caesalpinia s. l.; pollination biology; biogeography; phylogeny
J. M. Lock K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Leguminosae; Zingiberaceae; Xyridaceae
Eve Lucas K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Myrtaceae, particularly fleshy fruited groups; large genera and their role in forest evolution
Simon J. Mayo K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Araceae; neotropics
William Milliken K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Ethnobotany; neotropical vegetation studies; reforestation and agroforestry; sustainable plant use and livelihoods
Justin Moat K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Spatial analysis; vegetation mapping; Geographical Information Systems (GIS); remote sensing; phytogeography; conservation; biography
Alex Monro K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Urticaceae worldwide; Talamanca Mountains Central America; cave-dwelling plants; sustainable use of biodiversity
Rosemary Newton K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. UK Overseas Territories (UKOTS); Conservation; seed ecology; seed germination; habitat restoration; Fynbos; ecophysiology
Eimear Nic Lughadha K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Neotropical Myrtaceae; Index Kewensis; International Plant Names Index; nomenclature; global patterns in plant diversity
Alan J. Paton K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Lamiales; responsibility for Science Collections at Kew, including Herbarium and Fungarium
T. D. Pennington K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Neotropics; Inga; Meliaceae; Sapotaceae; Sloanea; agroforestry; forest inventory; tree flora of Peru
Lauren Phelan K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Collections management
Sarah Phillips K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Herbarium digitization programme
Sylvia M. Phillips K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Poaceae; Eriocaulaceae
R. M. Polhill K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Tropical Africa; Fabaceae; Loranthaceae of Africa
Steve A. Renvoize K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Poaceae
Lourdes Rico-Arce K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Leguminosae; neotropics
M. J. Sands K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Begonia and Symbegonia, Begoniaceae; Balanites, Zygophyllaceae
Brian D. Schrire K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Leguminosae; Africa; phylogeny; biogeography
Andre Schuiteman K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Orchidaceae; flora of New Guinea
David A. Simpson K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Cyperaceae; Juncaceae; aquatic monocotyledons; floras of Thailand, U.K., and Greenland
C. M. Thomas K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Urticaceae; Mucuna; Fabaceae; Ceratophyllaceae
Anna Trias Blasi K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Climbers; Southeast Asian Vitaceae; bulbous monocots; conservation; New Guinea
Timothy M. Utteridge K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Primulaceae/Myrsinaceae, especially Malesia incl. Maesa, Ardisia; Icacinaceae s. l.; Stemonuraceae; South-East Asia and Australasia; biodiversity and conservation
Michael W. van Slageren K Royal Botanic Gardens United Kingdom. East Sussex. NEWICK. taxonomy of cultivated cereals, especially wheat (Triticum L. spp.)
Kaj B. Vollesen K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Acanthaceae of Africa; northeastern and eastern Africa
Maria Vorontsova K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Poaceae; Solanum; Madagascar; Africa; history of taxonomy
James Wearn K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Ecology; Lamiaceae; Polemobotany
Paul Wilkin K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Dioscoreales; managerial responsibility for Lilioid and Alismatid monocotyledons; floras of Thailand and Madagascar
Elizabeth M. Woodgyer K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Collections Management; neotropical Melastomataceae
Sue Zmarzty K Royal Botanic Gardens U.K. England. Kew. Salicaceae (excluding Salix & Populus) and Achariaceae of the neotropics; interactive key to neotropical genera of Euphorbiaceae, Phyllanthaceae and allies