Displaying 1 - 24 out of 24 Object(s)

Person Herbarium Code Institution Location Research Pursuits
Ann Bogaerts BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Imaging and databasing of cryptogams
Christine Cocquyt BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. African diatoms and phytoplankton
Petra De Block BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Rubiaceae
Myriam de Haan BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Myxomycetology
André De Kesel BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Fungi of tropical Africa; Laboulbeniales; Boletales
Sofie De Smedt BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Project coordinator for digitization
Jérôme Degreef BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Afrotropical fungi
Steven Dessein BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Rubiaceae; CITES
Henry Engledow BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Database manager
Damien Ertz BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Lichenology
André Fraiture BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Fungi of western Europe and tropical Africa
Sandrine Godefroid BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Plant Ecology, Invasion Ecology and Conservation Ecology
Quentin Groom BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Virtual herbarium
Ivan Hoste BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Flora of western Europe
Steven Janssens BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Molecular phylogenetics; population genetics; bioinformatics
Viviane Leyman BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Cabinet of botanical curiosities; wood collection
Olivier Raspé BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Population biology; molecular systematics
Anne Ronse BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Conservation biology
Marc Sosef BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Central African plant biodiversity; taxonomy of African grasses
Piet Stoffelen BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Research on Coffea
Bart Van de Vijver BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Phycology
Dries van den Broeck BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Lichenology
Fabienne Van Rossum BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Flora of western Europe; conservation biology and evolutionary ecology
Filip Verloove BR Meise Botanic Garden Belgium. Meise. Flora of western Europe, mainly xenophytes