David J. Mabberley

  • Name

    David J. Mabberley, Executive Director

  • Current Status


  • Herbarium Code


  • Address

    National Herbarium of New South Wales
    Australian Institute of Botanical Science
    Science, Education and Conservation
    Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust
    Locked Bag 6002
    Mount Annan, New South Wales 2567

  • Contact

    Email: david.mabberley@rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au

  • Research

    Systematics and ecology of Rutaceae (especially Citrus), Vitaceae, Malvaceae ("Tiliaceae"), Meliaceae, Labiatae, economic plants, importance of nineteenth-century horticulture in scientific progress, history of botanical illustration

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum