Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral

  • Name

    Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Contact

    [54] 364 4420137
    Email: javierrodriguez@uncaus.edu.ar

  • Address

    Herbario \"Ingeniero Carlos chifa\"
    Basic and Applied Sciences
    Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Medicinal plants; vascular plants

    Geography: Chaco Argentino region and to a lesser extent from other areas of the country (Center), with some specimens from the rest of South America (Peru, Paraguay)

  • Notes

    Our collection of plants constitutes a Medicinal Ethnobotanical Herbarium, since the North of Argentina is a privileged area, not only due to the tradition of use of plant species in vernacular medicine, but also due to the extensive existing documentation regarding the use of plants by the aborigines in natural medicine, among which are the tribes (MOCOVÍ, WICHÍ, TOBA). That is why the systematization of the practices that revolve around the recovery of the use of medicinal plants began, where botanical, ecological and anthropological knowledge converge with a scientific basis of the connections that exist between cultural groups and their plant environment. The main functions of the \\\"Carlos Chifa\\\" herbarium are: Entered June 2021. This Herbarium, which the “Universidad nacional del Chaco Austral” proudly owns, was the imprint of the Agronomist Carlos Chifa back in 1994, being at that time the Facultad de Agroindustria belonging to UNNE (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste), who making use of his knowledge in the Botanical field and creating strong ties with the original peoples of the region, he knew how to create a large collection of medicinal plants, with more than 5,000 specimens. Serving not only as a source of information for the careers of Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnical Engineering, but also for scientific studies that have been carried out in our house of higher studies. This information resulted in the Publication of 4 books, which are: _ Chifa, C. y Ricciardi, A. I. A. (2001). Plantas de uso en medicina vernácula del centro del Chaco argentino. Fundación Miguel Lillo. _ Chifa, C. (2005). Plantas medicinales usadas por las comunidades aborígenes del Chaco argentino. Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. _ Chifa, C. y Ricciardi A. I. A. (2011). Plantas medicinales usadas por las comunidades aborígenes del Chaco argentino (2 ed.) Ediciones Elemento. _ Chifa, C. y Ricciardi A. I. A. (2014). Las plantas medicinales del nordeste argentino en las crónicas de la época de la Colonia. Ediciones Elemento.

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  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Seed Plants
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Important Collectors

    C. Chifa