Universidad Nacional de San Luis

  • Name

    Universidad Nacional de San Luis

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Mónica Lugo, PHD, monicalugo63@gmail.com
    Esteban Crespo, Biologist, micodif.unsl@gmail.com

  • Contact

    Fax: [54] 0266 4 422 644 ext. 5108
    Email: monicalugo63@gmail.com

  • Address

    Micoteca de Diversidad e interacciones Fúgicas
    Department of Biology
    Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia
    Universidad Nacional de San Luis
    Ejército de los Andes 950. Bloque I, 2do piso, Box 4. MICODIF. Área Ecología.
    San Luis, San Luis 5700

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Fungi, Lichens, Plant associated to mycorrhizal fungi

    Geography: Chaco Árido, Espinal, Puna, Argentina, South America

  • Notes

    Entered December 2019. The Micoteca of Diversity and Fungal Interactions (MICODIF), began in 2003 with the own funds of researchers and the financing of the Science and Technology Secretary of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy of the National University of San Luis (FQByF-UNSL) , as one of the objectives of Projects developed and in execution. The collected specimens, the slide collection of Mushrooms native to the region and arid areas of the country and the permanent preparations made by the group of teachers-researchers of these Projects, constitute this Micoteca that obtained in 2014 its legal framework and institutional belonging and in 2015 joined to the National Biological Data System (SNDB) as Unit 266-360. It has more than 1800 specimens that include Fungi s. l. (Ascomycota; Basidiomycota; Mucoromycota, Glomeromycotina; Amebozoa, Myxomycota), adding Plantae with symbiotic (mycorrhizal and endophytic) fungal hosts, and Lichens. The Group of work of MICODIF is composed of: D r. M. A. Lugo (Responsible), Biól. EM Crespo (Curator), Mic. Hebe Iriarte (Technical Assistant), and the Advisory Council that represents teachers and / or researchers in the subject and other disciplines of the UNSL (Dr. E. Menoyo, Ing. Agr. S. Ballesteros, Lic. A. Ochoa, Dr A. Mangione, RA Paez) and other Universities and Collections of the SNDB (Dr. LS Dominguez, Curator of Cryptogams-Herbarium CORD; Dr. E. Nouhra, IMBIV-UNC).

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Fungi/Lichens 1800 1800 500
    Seed Plants
  • Date Founded


  • Updated
