Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation

  • Name

    Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Phillip McKenna, Seniour Research Officer, p.mckenna@cmlr.uq.edu.au
    Vanessa Glenn, Research Officer, v.glenn@uq.edu.au

  • Address

    The University of Queensland
    Sustainable Minerals Institute
    Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation

  • Specialty

    Geography: Eastern Australia, New Caledonia

  • Notes

    The CMLR herbarium is located at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia and is a dedicated room with a large collection of plant specimens and plant identification resources such as powerful microscopes and a library of identification books. The herbarium contains up to 5,000 specimens as well an online digital herbarium which is a database containing high resolution scans of over 1,200 plant specimens. The herbarium is the only dedicated herbarium at The University of Brisbane and is a unique resource for researchers and students to confirm the identification of plant species related to land rehabilitation in Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory. The herbarium also has one of the most comprehensive collections of species that are found in the endangered swamps of the Newnes Plateau (Western Blue Mountains region, New South Wales). The room contains an imaging microscope (Leica M205A) capable of high resolution magnification (160x), digital display, image capture, live measurements and multi-focus image stacking. The room is set at constant temperature (20°C) and humidity (45%) to maintain the preservation of plant samples. Accurate plant identification is fundamental aspect of environmental surveys, particularly when studying the impacts of mining and the success of land rehabilitation. The herbarium is a place that researchers and students from around the university can work on plant identification, mount specimens for storage, or capture high resolution imagery of plant samples. Access to the digital herbarium is available through the CMLR home page and includes high resolution images of scanned specimens, maps of collections and links to online resources. This digital herbarium is highly valuable to the mining industry, land managers, environmental scientists and plant enthusiasts, with a particular focus around the theme of land rehabilitation.

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Seed Plants 1200
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Associated Institution

    The University of Queensland

  • Important Collectors

    P.B.McKenna Ufer