Hazara University Mansehra

  • Name

    Hazara University Mansehra

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Abdul Majid, Curator, abdulmajidhu@gmail.com
    Jan Alam, Incharge herbarium, janalamkuh@yahoo.com

  • Contact

    [92] 344 8924599
    [92] 333-5056966
    Fax: [92] 0974 14152
    Email: janalamkuh@yahoo.com, abdulmajidhu@gmail.com

  • Address

    Department of Botany
    Faculty of Biological and Health Sciences
    Hazara University Mansehra
    Mansehra 0995

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Higher vascular plants, archegoniates, bryophytes and Lichens

    Geography: Northern Pakistan, an area that includes part of the Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and Western Himalayan Mountain Ranges

  • Notes

    Hazara University is located on the crossroads of the ancient civilization of Gandhara and Ashoka and is on one of the Silk Routes connecting the Indian sub-continent with China and Central Asia. The University was founded in 2001 and has had a strong floristic program since that time. Today, its herbarium includes about 18,000 species and includes all plant groups other than algae. Its primary geographic focus is Northern Pakistan, a mountainous area that includes three major mountain ranges, the Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and Western Himalaya. It started sharing its specimen data via OpenHerbarium and GBIF in 2021.

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Algae 0
    Bryophytes 3000 0
    Fungi/Lichens 1100 0
    Pteridophytes 1800 66
    Seed Plants 6000 2782 1370
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Associated Institution

    Botanical Garden, Hazara University

  • Important Collectors

    H. Ahmed, G. M. Shah, R. Awan, J. Alam, M. Hussain, A. Majid