Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS

  • Name

    Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Irina Illarionova, Collection Manager of Vascular Plants, illarionova@binran.ru
    Leonid Averyanov, Professor; Head of Herbarium, av_leonid@binran.ru

  • Contact

    [7] 812 3725448
    Fax: [7] 812 3725448
    Email: gagarinalv@binran.ru

  • Address

    Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)
    Russian Academy of Sciences
    Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS
    Prof. Popov Street 2
    Saint Petersburg 197376

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, fungi, algae, paleobotanical collection, basidiomycetes culture collection

    Geography: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

  • Notes

    The Komarov Botanical Institute collection consists of the following parts: 1) herbarium collections (about 6 million specimens), including the herbarium of vascular plants (about 6 million specimens); mycological herbarium (about 300 thousand specimens); lichenological herbarium (about 300 thousand specimens); bryological herbarium (about 305 thousand specimens); herbarium and collections of algae (70 thousand specimens). 2) Paleobotanical collection (about 120 thousand specimens). 3) Stock collections of the Botanical Museum: carpological (about 35 thousand specimens); dendrological (about 12 thousand specimens); collection of economic botany (about 17 thousand specimens). 4) Basidiomycetes culture collection (about 3.4 thousand specimens). 5) Collections of open (about 6 thousand specimens) and closed (about 13 thousand specimens) grounds of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great.

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Algae 80000
    Bryophytes 300000
    Fungi/Lichens 800000
    Pteridophytes 50000
    Seed Plants 6400000
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Associated Institution

    Associated garden: Botanical Garden, Komarov Botanical Institute

  • Incorporated Herbaria

    LE (Vascular Plants)

  • Important Collectors

    Vascular Plants: F. (Th.) N. Alexeenko, L. V. Averyanov, K. (C.) G. Baenitz, B. Balansa, V. Yu. Barkalov, T. Bienert, J. S. Blanchet, P. E. Boissier, J. Bornmüller, V. P. Botschantzev, E. Bourgeau, A. A. Bunge, N. A. Busch, A. Chamisso, A. Chekanovskiy, C. F. Claus, H. Cumming, P. H. Davis, J. Drummond, W. A. Dubiansky, N. V. Dyukina, J. F. Eschscholtz, U. J. Faurie, A. P. Fedtschenko, E. (I. ) Frivaldszky von Frivald, M. Gandoger, S. S. Ganeschin, A. F. Glasiou, A. A. Grossheim, V. I. Grubov, A. J. Gueldenstaedt, C. Haussknecht, A. Henry, F. R. Hohenacker, K. N. Igoschina, M. M. Iljin, B. A. Jurtzev, S. V. Juzepczuk, R. V. Kamelin, F. Karo, H. Karsten, V. A. Kashkarov, S. S. Kharkevich, A. P. Khokhrjakov, E. N. Klemenz, M. V. Klokov, O. E. Knorring, K. (C.) H. E. (L. ) Koch, V. L. Komarov, A. A. Korobkov, Yu. P. Koshevnikov, Th. Kotchy, P. N. Krylov, P. E. Kuhlewein, N. I. Kuznetzow, V. F. Ladygin, G. Langsdorff, C. Lebedour, A. Lehmann, J.-H. Leveille, D. I. Litwinow, R. K. Maack, T. Makino, E. E. Maire, C. J. Maximowicz, Yu. L. Menitsky, K. G. Mertens, C. A. Meyer, A. F. (Th. ) Middendorff, P. N. Ovczinnikov, R. Pabo, J. K. Paczoski, N. A. Palczewsky, P. S. Pallas, V. V. Petrovsky, R. A. Philippi, A. I. Pojarkova, M. G. Popov, G. N. Potanin, C. G. Pringle, N. M. Przewalsky, G. I. Radde, A. E. Regel, L. Riedel, V. I. Roborovsky, N. V. Schipczinsky, B. K. Schischkin, J. Th. Schmalhausen, F. (K.) (F. B. ) Schmidt, A. G. (I. ) von Schrenk, W. Schimper, N. K. Seidlitz, F. Sellow, A. A. Shoshin, Ph. F. von Siebold, P. E. E. Sintenis, V. B. Soczava, R. Spruce, I. I. Sprygin, G. W. Steller, C. von Steven, J. N. Szovitz, O. J. Szovits, A. I. Tolmatchew, E. R. von Trautvetter, K. B. Trinius, S. Tschonoski, N. Turczaninow, N. N. Tzvelev, A. A. Üksip, V. N. Vasil\'yev, A. I. Vvedensky, Ju. (G.) N. Woronow, M. I. Yankovskiy, A. A. Yunatov, N. Zinger, Ju. D. Zinserling, J. G. Zuccarini.Algae: A. Ch Abramov, F. L. Abramova, H. Ando, H. W. Arnell, V. F. Broterus, E. Russow, L. I. Savicz-Lyubitskaya, R. N. Schljakov, W. C. Steere, I. A. Weimann, E. Zikendrat. Golubkova, A. A. Elenkin, B. Lynge, A. H. Magnusson, M. F. Makarevicz, A. N. Oxner, K. A. Rassadina, V. Räsänen, V. P. Savicz, A. N. Titov. Auerswald, A. S. Bondartsev, E. Fries, N. N. Lavrov, L. A. Lebedeva, A. I. Lobik, V. A. Melnik, E. L. Nesdojminogo, T. L. Nikolajeva, E. Parmasto, R. Singer, B. P. Vassilkov, W. A. Tranzschel, L. Yu. Budantsev, V. A. Bronevoy, T. N. Baykovskaya, I. A. Iljinskaya, S. G. Zhilin, A. N. Krishtofovich, A. I. Kiritchkova, I. V. Palibin, V. A. Samylina, A. L. Takhtajan. Takhtajan