University of Copenhagen

  • Name

    University of Copenhagen

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Jens Soelberg, Collection Manager of C-Vascular Plants and Biocultural Collections,
    Nina Lundholm, Curator, Algae, Bryophytes and Lichens,

  • Contact

    [45] 35 32 22 00

  • Address

    University of Copenhagen
    Natural History Museum Denmark
    Att: Herbarium C
    University of Copenhagen
    Oester Farimagsgade 5
    Copenhagen K 1353


    DK 001

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, algae, fungi

    Geography: Worldwide, especially Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, and Faeroe Islands; some arctic, Mediterranean, especially Greece, tropical eastern and northeastern Africa, especially Ethiopia, southeastern Asia, especially Thailand, and Central and South America

  • Notes

    In 2004 the Botanical Museum, the Library, the Botanical Garden, the Zoological Museum, and the Geological Museum were merged and became the Natural History Museum of Denmark. The Natural History Museum is a department of the University of Copenhagen. Museum Botanicum Hauniense = C. Herbarium C is housed in temporary premises within an hour's travel outside Copenhagen until 2020 while we build a new Natural History Museum in the Botanical Gardens in Copenhagen. Please note the Danish Greenlandic collections are currently without curation, but accessible to the extent possible through our curatorial managers.

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Algae 400000
    Bryophytes 350000
    Fungi/Lichens 200000 47000
    Seed Plants 1849000
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Associated Institution

    Associated garden: Botanic Garden, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 2B, DK-1353 Copenhagen.

  • Incorporated Herbaria

    AAU (lichens);
    CP (90,000 specimens in 2016);
    DISKO (remaining specimens transferred in 2020)

  • Important Collectors

    B. Asmund, T. W. Böcher, F. C. E. Börgesen, P. Boye Petersen, T. Christensen, J. Deichmann Branth, H. F. A. von Eggers, N. Foged, P. Forsskål, O. Galløe, E. C. Hansen, N. Hartz, K. Hauerslev, K. Holmen, J. W. Hornemann, P. E. Isert, C. E. O. Jensen, B. Kamphövener, J. G. König, J. Kristiansen, J. E. Lange, F. M. Liebmann, S. Lund, P. W. Lund, H. C. Lyngbye, H. Mølholm Hansen, F. H. Møller, Max Møller, P. Møller Pedersen, I. Munda, R. Nielsen, G. Nygård, S. Olsen, A. S. Ørsted, H. C. Ostenfeld, E. Østrup, O. Paulsen, M. P. Porsild, F. C. Raben, C. Raunkiær, L. K. Rosenvinge, F. G. E. Rostrup, O. G. F. Rostrup, J. Ryan, J. Schmidt, P. K. A. Schousboe, J. F. Schouw, C. F. Schumacher, G. Seidenfaden, C. Smith, T. Sørensen, P. Thonning, J. Vahl, M. Vahl, N. Wallich, J. E. B. Warming