Universidad del Quindío

  • Name

    Universidad del Quindío

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Germán Darío Gómez Marín, Director, germandario@uniquindio.edu.co
    Carlos Agudelo Henaoagudelohenao@yahoo.com

  • Contact

    [57] 096 7359338
    Fax: [57] 096 7460151
    Email: germandario@uniquindio.edu.co

  • Address

    Herbario Universidad del Quindío
    Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Tecnologías
    Universidad del Quindío
    Avenida Bolívar, calle 12N.
    Armenia, Quindío

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Families and orders Amaranthaceae and other Caryophyllales, Asteraceae, Zingiberales, Commelinales, Solanaceae, Bambusoideae and Araceae

    Geography: Colombia, especially the Andean region

  • Notes

    HUQ HISTORY: FOUNDERS: Germán Arbeláez Serna and María Cristina Vélez Nauer, professors of the Degree Program in Biology at the University of Quindío. This process was supported directly by SANTIAGO DIAZ PIEDRAHITA of the Herbarium COL. HUQ INVESTIGATORS: Carlos Alberto Agudelo H., María del Pilar Sepúlveda, Germán Darío Gómez M., Andrés Felipe Orozco C., Ana Lucía López G., Rocío Stella Suárez, Ricardo Elías Vega, Carlos Alberto López R., Paula Andrea Viveros , Johan Carvajal, Larri Álvarez, Juan Fernando Restrepo, Carlos Alonso Maya, Rigoberto Villa, Rodolfo López, Nodier Augusto Botero, Jaime Uribe Meléndez, Neyver Rivera, Martha Chacón, among others. Among the administrative staff stands out Edier Flórez Henao. PUBLICATIONS: HUQ researchers have published numerous publications (approximately 100) in journals such as Flora de Colombia (Asteraceae and Amaranthaceae), Caldasia (Amaranthaceae), Biological News, Novon, Catalogs (Flora de Antioquia and Flora de Venezuela), abstract books of scientific events, among others. Books on taxonomy of mosses, Euphorbiaceae, wax palm, flórulas of some localities, four volumes of the magazine Flora Andina, etc. There are also online publications such as the Amaranthaceae in Neotropical Flowering Plants at https://www.kew.org/science/tropamerica/neotropikey.htm. YOUNG RESEARCHERS: At least 10 young Colombians, biologists and graduates in Biology, funded by COLCIENCIAS have passed through HUQ and have developed studies on flora, palynology, taxonomy, ecology, among others. INTERNATIONAL TRAINERS: Several interns from Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal, Brazil and Austria have conducted training and learning about the Andean flora in HUQ. INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS: The HUQ belongs to the Latin American Association of Botany - ALB, through Carlos A. Agudelo has participated as a member of the Superior Council of the ALB between 2010 and 2018, is also part of the Colombian Herbarium Association - ACH, of which he was President between 1998 and 1999 with Carlos A. Agudelo and is linked to the Global Initiative project of plants to type the world types in JSTOR through Felipe Orozco. We also work in a network with researchers from the University of Luján and La Matanza, Argentina through a binational agreement. With Venezuelan researchers participated in the elaboration of the New Catalog of the Flora of Venezuela, through Carlos A. Agudelo Amaranthaceae was reviewed for that country. MASTERY IN SCIENCES VEGETABLE BIOLOGY: the HUQ collection, its literature and researchers were fundamental to propose the creation of the Master in 2002 before the Ministry of National Education of Colombia. Through this program 28 botanists have graduated and by 2018 there are 25 more active. SCIENTIFIC EVENTS: The HUQ staff has carried out numerous local, regional, national and international scientific events (symposiums, congresses), courses, workshops, forums, diplomas (Organic Agriculture, protected areas and medicinal plants (the latter led by Orozco C., being very successful), botanical expeditions, have participated in the Latin American congresses of Botany of the ALB such as Cartagena in Colombia 2002, Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic 2006, La Serena in Chile 2010 and Salvador de Bahia in Brazil in 2014. The same They prepare to attend the XII Congress of Quito, Ecuador in 2018. They are part of the organizers of the biology regional symposiums held biannually among teachers from UTP, U. de Caldas, UNISARC and UniQuindío.

  • Feedback

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  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Bryophytes 500
    Fungi/Lichens 800
    Pteridophytes 1000
    Seed Plants 36000
  • Date Founded


  • Updated


  • Important Collectors

    G. Arbeláez Serna, M. C. Vélez Nauer , C. A. Agudleo Henao