Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Herbarium Code
Current Status
Nataliya Kovtonyuk, Head of digitization group in the Laboratory of Vascular plants systematics, nkovtonyuk@csbg.nsc.ru
Olga Pisarenko, Curator of Mosses, o_pisarenko@mail.ru
Irina Gorbunova, Curator of Fungi, fungi2304@gmail.com
Tatyana Makryi, Curator of Lichens, makry@nsu.ru -
[7] 383 339 9802
Fax: [7] 383 330 19 86
Email: herbcsbg@gmail.com -
M. G. Popov Herbarium
Vascular plants
Laboratory of Vascular Plant Systematics
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Zolotodolinskaya Street,101
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya Oblast' 630090
http://www.csbg.nsc.ru/index.php/en/home.html -
Taxonomic Coverage: Vascular plants, mosses, lichens and fungi
Geography: Siberia, Northern Asia, Europe, Central Asia, Northern America, Australia
Quarantine Requirements
All new received herbarium specimens undergo a 15-day quarantine
The CSBG SB RAS Digital herbarium includes of NSK and NS vascular plants collections (http://herb.csbg.nsc.ru:8081). There are more than 86 000 specimens. All questions concerning the CSBG SB RAS Digital herbarium (NS, NSK) send to Nataliya Kovtonyuk (knat2008@yandex.ru, nkovtonyuk@csbg.nsc.ru)
Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum
Number of Specimens
Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged Algae Bryophytes 25000 8000 Fungi/Lichens 98500 14000 Pteridophytes 7800 7800 7800 Seed Plants 300000 220000 78174 -
Date Founded
1951, 1996 - registration in IH
Associated Institution
Associated garden: Central Siberian Botanical Garden Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Incorporated Herbaria
Part of IRK (vascular plants) in 1978
Important Collectors
L. V. Bardunov, N.M. Bolshakov, V. M. Doronkin, N. V. Friesen, I. V. Han, M. M. Ivanova, N. K. Kovtonyuk (Arslanova), A.V. Kuminova, L. I. Malyshev, O. D. Nikiforova, S. V. Ovchinnikova (Bubnova), G. A. Peshkova, M. G. Popov, I.N. Shehovtcova (Maklakova, V.I. Troshkina (Ivleva), K. S. Baikov, N. V. Vlasova, A. A. Petruk, E Pinzhenina
Nataliya Kovtonyuk, Head of digitization group in the Laboratory of Vascular plants systematics, nkovtonyuk@csbg.nsc.ru
Olga Pisarenko, Curator of Mosses, o_pisarenko@mail.ru
Irina Gorbunova, Curator of Fungi, fungi2304@gmail.com
Tatyana Makryi, Curator of Lichens, makry@nsu.ru
Please submit your comments about this record:
NSK, Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences