Displaying 3051 - 3058 out of 3058 Object(s)

Term Definition
Xylopodium (plural = xylopodia) An underground, woody, storage organ derived from stems or roots and common in cerrado vegetation. Xylopodium (plural = xylopodia)
Zarcillo Filamento espiral, propio de las plantas trepadoras, que ayuda a trepar; por ejemplo, en Bignoniaceae, Passifloraceae y Vitaceae Zarcillo
Zarcillo uña de gato Zarcillo dividido en tres partes iguales que están conspicuamente recurvadas, dispuestas en la porción distal. Por ejemplo, en Macfadyena unguis-cati y Parabignonia steyermarkii (Bignoniaceae).
Zigomorfa Cuando una estructura solamente puede ser dividida en dos partes iguales. Este término usualmente es aplicado a las flores. Zigomorfa es lo mismo que irregular y radialmente asimétrica (simetría radial). Es opuesto a actinomorfa. Zigomorfa
Zygomorphic A plant structure capable of being divided only into two equal parts. This term is most often used to refer to flowers.
Zygomorphic Capable of being divided into only two equal parts; a structure in which a line drawn through the middle will produce a mirror image of one side of the line to the other side of the line. Zygomorphic
Zygomorphic flower A flower capable of being divided into only two equal parts (mirror images) by a line passing through the middle of a flower, i.e., other lines passing the middle of the flower will not give mirror images of one another; same as monosymmetric, bilaterally symmetrical, and irregular flowers and opposite of actinomorphic, monosymmetric, radially symmetrical, and regular flowers. This term can refer to other plant parts as well. Zygomorphic flower
Anthers that open (dehisce) and release pollen via a terminal or subterminal pore.