Displaying 2851 - 2875 out of 3058 Object(s)

Term Definition
Tetragonal Four-angled.
Tetraploid Having double the normal number of chromosomes, in this case the chromsome number is listed as 4N.
Thallus (adj. = thalloid) A generalized term used to describe the prostrate axis of a plant that is not differentiated into stem, leaf, and root. Thallus (adj. = thalloid)
Theca (plural = thecae) The chamber of an anther in which the pollen is produced. Theca (plural = thecae)
Thorn A sharp-pointed, aborted branch that is woody and has vascular tissue. Thorn
Three-ranked See tristichous.
Thrum flower One of two types of flowers found in some species in which the style is short and the stamens are long. Compare with pin flower; see also heterostyly. Thrum flower
Thyrse An inflorescence in which the main axis is indeterminate and the lateral axes are determinate; i.e., a raceme of cymes.
Thyrsiform Like a thyrse.
Tierra firme A Spanish term referring to land not subject to periodic flooding. Same as terra firme in Portuguese. Tierra firme
Tomentose (diminutive = tomentellous) Densely woolly; with a soft, wool-like pubescence. Tomentose (diminutive = tomentellous)
Tomentum A covering of short, soft, matted, or tangled hairs.
Torus The thickened part of a pedicel from which the flowers or fruits arise. In some accessory fruits, for example the pome and strawberry, the receptacle gives rise to the edible part of the fruit. Torus
Translator (=translator arm) In the Apocynaceae subfamily Asclepiadoideae and Orchidaceae, the structure connecting the pollinia to the gland. Same as caudicle. Translator (=translator arm)
Translocate Referring to the movement of sucrose though the phloem from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
Translucent Transmitting light.
Transverse section A cut at right angles to the axis of an organ. Same as cross section. Transverse section
Transverse section Same as a cross section.
Trap door A small opening into the bladder of bladderworts (Lentibularia spp.) the function of which is to open and suck prey into the bladder when the trigger hairs (= trigger trichomes) are touched by the prey. The prey are then decomposed and the nutrients released are assimilated by the plant. Trap door
Trap line pollination Movement of a pollinator from the flowers of one plant of a species to the flowers of another plant of the same species on a specific route that is repeated during the same day and on following days as long as the pollinator reward is sufficent to attract the pollinator. Trap line pollination
Trapeziform In the shape of a four-sided figure with only two parallel sides (a trapezoid).
Tree An erect, usually single-stemmed, woody plant 5 centimeters or more dbh (diameter at breast height); some trees may have multiple trunks but at least some of the trunks are 5 centimeters or more in diameter. Compare with treelet.
Tree climbing Because 68% of the plants in lowland rainforests (Mori et al., 2002) are trees or plants (e.g., lianas and epiphytes) that grow along tree trunks or in the crowns of trees) it is essential to be able to climb trees. Botanists have used the following methods to physically climb trees: peconha, French tree climbing spikes called griffes, single pronged spikes usually used to climb wooden telephone poles, the Swiss tree bicyle, and rope climbing. For more information about plant collecting see Tropical Plant Collecting: From the Filed to the Internet. This book can be purchased at: http://tecceditora.com/ or Amazon.com. Tree climbing
Treelet An erect, single-stemmed, woody plant less than 5 centimeters dbh and more than 2 meters tall; differences between treelets and unbranched shrubs or trees are sometimes unclear. Compare with shrub and tree.
Trepadora herbácea Planta leñosa trepadora. Comparar con liana.