
  • Title


  • Definition

    A chamber, such as that of an ovary or fruit, that contains the ovule(s) or seed(s), respectively.

  • Notes

    Locule number is determined from a cross section of the ovary but that section should be made somewhere through the placenta. In the Lecythidaceae, locule number is useful in defining genera. The locules of species of some genera generally have the same locule number. For example, the locules of species of Cariniana and Couratari are mostly three and those of species of Couroupita are mostly six. In other genera, most of the species may have a mean locule number but some of the species vary from that number. For example, species of Eschweilera are predominantly two, but a few species may have 4-locular ovaries and fewer species may occasional have three locules. Like most other characters of plants, there is always some variation in locule number. For example, in a tree of a given species of Cariniana most of the locules will be three, but some flowers may have two and others three locules.

  • Related Terms

    Locule orientation

    Locule orientation horizontal

    Locule orientation oblique

    Locule orientation vertical

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