Ovary summit umbonate

  • Title

    Ovary summit umbonate

  • Definition

    If the summit of the ovary arches upward directly on the inside of the staminal ring (i.e., the summit completely fills the inside of the staminal ring) the summit is umbonate. See style umbonate.

  • Notes

    In Lecythidaceae, this term refers to the summit as it appears immediately on the inside of the staminal ring; if it is flat on the inside between the staminal ring margin and the style base it is called truncate; if it has erect sides immediately on the inside of the staminal ring it is called plateau-like; if it slants upward immediately on the inside of the staminal ring and is not distinguished from the style base it is called obconical; and if it arches upward on the inside of the staminal ring and is not distinguished from the style base it is called umbonate. In a plateau-like summit, the area sitting on the plateau is called an ovary apex and that can be either obconical or umbonate.

  • Related Terms

    Ovary summit

    Ovary summit truncate

    Ovary summit obconical

    Ovary summit plateau-like

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