Bilaterally symmetrical flower
Zygomorphic flower of a legume. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Creator(s): S. A. Mori
Description: Zygomorphic flower of Clathrotropis nitida based on Mori et al. 25521 from the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. The keel consists of two petals fused along the middle of the keel.
Rights: Rights reside with creator, otherwise property of NYBG.
Bilaterally symmetrical flower
A flower capable of being divided into only two equal parts (mirror images) by a line passing through the middle of a flower, i.e., other lines passing the middle of the flower will not give mirror images of one another; same as zygomorphic, monosymmetric, and irregular flowers and opposite of actinomorphic, monosymmetric, radially symmetrical, and regular flowers. This term can refer to other plant parts as well.
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