Androecium (pl. = androecia)

  • Title

    Androecium (pl. = androecia)

  • Definition

    The male part of the flower.

  • Notes

    In the flower of neotropical Lecythidaceae, the androecium may be actinmorphic or zygomorphic. The former consists of a staminal tube and associated stamens while the later usually has a staminal ring with stamens, a ligule, and a hood with various combinations of staminodes, vestigial stamens, and nectar-producing vestigial stamens. The only zygomorphic-flowered exceptions are Couroupita nicaraguarensis which lacks a hood and all species of Cariniana whick lack a staminal ring and a hood but do have a prolongation from the staminal tube and are, thus, also zygomorphic.

  • Related Terms



    Vestigial stamen


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