The anther of a staminode; an anther that bears pollen that does not germinate.
In the Lecythidaceae, antherodes are found in the androecial hood (e.g., Lecythis pisonis) and in the innermost row of anthers on the ligular side of the staminal ring (e.g., Corythophora labriculata). Lecythis pisonis and Couroupita guianensis are the only species of neotropical Lecythidaceae that have been experimentally provide to have stamens with anthers containing pollen that germinates in one part of the flower and pollen that does not germinate (= fodder pollen) in other parts of the flower (Mori, 1980). We assume that color dimorphism in a flower, for example yellow anthers in the androecial hood and white pollen in the staminal ring or yellow anthers in the ligular side of the staminal ring indicates that there the yellow anthers are antherodes and the white anthers contain fertile pollen.
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