Myrica cerifera L.
Lab Record Type
Tissue Samples
Scientific Name
Myrica cerifera L.
Tissue Type
Collection Data
DNA Bank
DNA Bank of The New York Botanical Garden
This work was made possible through support from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (DBI-0846412)
The New York Botanical Garden
Plant Research Laboratory, The New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458, U.S.A.
Copyright Declaration: The copyright for any material created by the DNABank of NYBG is reserved. The duplication or use of information and data such as texts or images is only permitted with the indication of the source or with prior approval by the NYBG.
Terms of Use: The use of these data is allowed only for non-profit scientific use and for non-profit nature conservation purpose. The data base or any part of it may only be used or copied by the written permission from the legal owner.
Citation(s): L. M. Campbell, M. E. Quenzer, M. Tulig & A. Kirchgessner (Eds.) 2010 -- (continuously updated): DNA Bank samples at The New York Botanical Garden. Digital specimen images at the Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden.