The Index to American Botanical Literature (IABL) is compiled by the New York Botanical Garden staff from the resources of The LuEsther T. Mertz Library of The New York Botanical Garden. Errors, typographic or otherwise, should be called to the attention of library staff (libref@nybg.org). The IABL contains citations for publications dealing with various aspects of extant and fossil American plants and fungi, including ecology, systematics and floristics, and morphology, as well as economic botany and general botany (publications dealing with botanists, herbaria, etc.). “America” is defined in the broadest possible sense, encompassing land and marine plants and fungi from Greenland to Antarctica. American territory outside this area, e.g., Hawaii, is not included.
In late 2017 the decision was made to no longer index publications that have been indexed online through other services (such as Google Scholar and JSTOR), significantly reducing the scope of the index moving forward. If something is not included in the IABL, that does not mean that the library does not have access to the publication. Please see the library’s catalog and databases for additional materials and contact the library staff with questions (https://www.nybg.org/learn/mertz-library/). Please see this research guide for more detailed information about the history of this project (http://libguides.nybg.org/iabl).
Throughout its history, IABL by lead and complied by William R. Buck and Thomas A. Zanoni from the resources of The LuEsther T. Mertz Library of The New York Botanical Garden.
Funding for the digitization of records entered before 2000 was provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.