Inga marginata Willd.

  • Authority

    Irwin, Howard S. 1966. Contributions to the botany of Guiana. III. Leguminosae Mimosoideae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 96-111.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Inga marginata Willd.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Oiapoque, Irwin, Pires, & Westra 47409 and 48371;Irwin, Egler & Pires 47270. VENEZUELA. Delta Amacuro: Altiplanicie de Nuria, Steyermark 89194.Hitherto known as far east in Guiana as French Guiana (Dept, des Forets et Eaux 7437) and extreme southwestern Amapa (Froes & Black 27477), and as far west as the Bartica-Potaro Road in British Guiana (Forest Dept. of British Guiana 6310)

  • Distribution

    BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Oiapoque, Irwin, Pires, & Westra 47409 and 48371;Irwin, Egler & Pires 47270. VENEZUELA. Delta Amacuro: Altiplanicie de Nuria, Steyermark 89194.Hitherto known as far east in Guiana as French Guiana (Dept, des Forets et Eaux 7437) and extreme southwestern Amapa (Froes & Black 27477), and as far west as the Bartica-Potaro Road in British Guiana (Forest Dept. of British Guiana 6310)

    Brazil South America| Venezuela South America|