Conostomum pentastichum (Brid.) Lindb.
Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Leaves stiffly erect-appressed wet or dry, 1-3 mm long, lanceolate, long-acuminate to aristate, those near stem tips often ending in hyaline, capillary tips; margins recurved nearly to the base, serrulate above, with teeth frequently paired; costa very broad at base, 1/3 to nearly 1/2 the leaf width, excurrent, roughened at back to below the leaf middle; upper cells narrowly rectangular to elliptic, 20-40 µm long, 6-16 µm wide, usually ± papillose at the upper ends; basal cells up to 100 µm long, 10-16 µm wide, smooth, those at the margins narrower. Autoicous or dioicous. Outer perichaetial 2.5-3.5 mm long, broader at base than stem leaves and with costa only 1/7-1/5 the width of the base; inner Perichaetial leaves shorter, ovate-acute, with cells mostly smooth some of them porose. Setae 0.5-3 cm long, yellow-orange, becoming reddish below; capsules somewhat nodding, slightly asymmetric, ovoid, 2-3 mm long; peristome teeth reddish, smooth, conspicuously trabeculate, 300-325 µm long. Spores reniform to subellipsoidal, 45-55 µm, warty-papillose.
Fig. 407
C. pentastichum (Hedw.) Lindb., Ofvers. Forh. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. 20:392.1863.
MniumpentastichumHedw., Sp. Muse 73.1801.
Conostomumaustrale Sw.,Neues J. Bot. 1(3): 31.1806, nom. illeg.
C. rhynchostegium C. Müll. ex Neum., Deutsch. Esp. Int. Polarforsch. 2: 303. 1890.
Leaves stiffly erect in five distinct rows and beaked opercula distinguish this species.
On soil, sometimes in rock crevices, at upper elevation; Oaxaca.-Mexico; Central and South America; New Zealand, Tasmania, subantarctic islands; South Africa (?).
Mexico North America| Central America| South America| New Zealand Australia Oceania| South Africa Africa|